Chapter 58

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A couple of night later after they had been keeping an eye on Chase for a while, they decided that they would keep an eye on Chase, but the more obvious threat was Diaz, so as soon as they found out where he was hiding out that is where the team would attack and hopefully take down Diaz before his plan ever got started.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" Thea asked as they walked into the bunker.

"We do patrols just like we normally do and two of us will tail Chase like we have for the last couple of nights. We need to make sure that he doesn't do something too unexpected while Barbara and Felicity are looking for Diaz." Oliver said.

"Who is going to be following Chase then?" Laurel asked.

"Tonight is going to be Emiko and Thea. The rest of us will be out there trying to keep the city safe until we hear anything else about Diaz." Oliver said and everyone went to get ready for the night.

. . .

While Green Arrow and Black Canary were working together that night, they stopped a drug deal and were able to get information on where the drug was going to be sold from. The two heroes went to stake the place out before they called the rest of the team in for back up. When they got to the warehouse, Black Canary was surprised to see that Diaz was there running the drug operation.

"That is Diaz. I remember now that this is how he started out until he had the money to make his moves. I think we should see what we are up against and come back tomorrow night with the rest of the team once we have a plan." Black Canary said.

"I think you are right. It will take too long for everyone to get here tonight and we won't have a good plan of attack if we do this tonight." Green Arrow said.

After watching what was going on in the warehouse for a while the two heroes left so that they could meet back up with the team in the bunker. When they got back they got the report on Chase from Thea and Emiko first.

"So, what is new with Chase?" Oliver asked.

"Nothing new tonight. He spent the whole night at his house. He didn't go to any of our places like he has for the past couple of nights." Emiko said.

"Well, that is good. Maybe he is slowing down his timetable now." Laurel said.

"Looks that way. So, did anything worthwhile happen with the rest of you tonight?" Thea asked.

"Yeah, we might have a lead on Diaz?" Oliver said.

"That's good. How did you find him?" Sara asked.

"We stopped a drug deal and the guy told us where the supply was being made. We went to stake the place out and saw that Diaz was there. We figured that we would come back here and come up with a plan and then go back tomorrow night." Laurel said.

"That makes sense. If we went in tonight, we might have been disorganized and someone could have gotten hurt. So, what is the plan?" Diggle asked.

"We stayed and watched things for a while. We know that there are four entrances on the ground and a couple from the roof as well. We will need to leave a few people on the roof for lookout purposes in case back up comes. So, that will have to be archers up there." Oliver said and the team nodded.

"Who are you planning on putting up there?" Sara asked.

"I thought that Thea and Emiko could be there. They seem to work well together." Oliver said and Thea and Emiko nodded having their assignments for the next night.

"The rest of us can split up and take the other entrances and then take out this drug and Diaz for good." Laurel said and the rest of the team nodded knowing what they had to do for tomorrow night as well.

"What do you need from us boss?" Felicity asked.

"I want you and Barbara to find everything that you can about this warehouse and keep an eye on everyone who comes or leaves. We need to know if there is someone else who is more powerful that is behind what Diaz is doing right now." Oliver said.

"We will let you know if we find anything noteworthy. Otherwise we will just give you everything we have tomorrow night." Barbara said.

"Sounds good. I am going to do some training. Anyone who wants to can join me if you want to." Oliver said as he changed into his workout clothes and then went to workout for a while.

When Oliver was done with his training for the night, he walked over to the computer to see if Barbara or Felicity had found any more information for them to use the next night.

"Have the two of you found anything new yet?" Oliver said.

"Not much. We do know that Diaz was part of the scorpions before he was put in prison for a while. Looks like he has become the leader. I don't know how that happened exactly, but it looks like the scorpions are his thugs that he is using for muscle." Barbara said.

"That makes sense. Anything else, like what the drugs are that he is distributing?" Oliver asked.

"Not much on that. Looks like it might be able to help with nerve damage. Other than that, I don't have much for you boss." Felicity said.

"So, it is some type of drug that is like opioids then?" Oliver asked.

"That is what it looks like to us." Felicity said.

"Ok. We need to get this stuff off of the street. We don't need any more of this stuff out there. This could end up worse than Vertigo." Oliver said.

"We will keep an eye on this stuff. Go home and get some rest like the others did. We will let you know if anything comes up that needs the team's help." Barbara said and with that Oliver left for the night.

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