Chapter 55

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The next night the team split up so that they could go after Darhk and destroy his underground city at the same time. Oliver decided to send Roy and Sara to the underground city to clear it out while Thea was using her flying vehicle to fly out over the bay and then bomb the edge of the bay that joins with the Glades so that the water from the bay will flood the underground city.

Sara and Roy were walking around in the underground city and checking the houses to make sure that no one was there. When they got done with that, and found that there was no one there yet, Sara and Roy left the city and gave Thea the ok.

"Athena, everything is clear. You are free to bomb the area." White Canary said.

"On it White Canary." Athena said as she released her bomb and it did what she had planned and the heroes could all see the water flooding under the ground.

"Looks like your plan is working, Athena. I have to admit it was a good plan." Arsenal said.

"Thanks. Now, let's get to the rest of the team and see if they need any help." Athena said and Arsenal and White Canary got on their motorcycles and the three heroes went to meet up with the rest of the team.

. . .

A few miles away the rest of the team was about to breach Darhk's hideout when Athena came over the comms. "If you guys haven't breached the building yet, we are on the way."

"We will wait for you guys to get here. How did your part of the job go?" Green Arrow asked.

"It went great. No one was in the city and the bomb worked the way that we thought it would. We saw the water flooding in under the Glades." White Canary said.

"Good. At least that part of the plan is over. How far are the three of you out?" Black Canary asked.

"We are pulling up now. Go on and breach. We will be there soon." Athena said.

"Ok, we will see you soon. Everyone, let's breach." Green Arrow said and the rest of the team breached.

They were having no problems with the Ghosts that were trying to stop them. It was almost a little too easy, but they weren't going to complain about that though. Athena, Arsenal, and White Canary finally joined the others and this made it even easier for them to take down the rest of the Ghosts, until there was only Darhk and his members of HIVE left.

"Damian Darhk, you have failed this city." Green Arrow said.

"In my eyes you have failed this city. I was just trying to get rid of all the bad in the world, but now I can't do that because you and your team have destroyed the only way for any of us to survive." Darhk said.

"It is not for you to decide who is worthy of living and who is not." Green Arrow said.

"Well, you have made that point very clear to me now. I will make sure that you die for messing up my plans though." Darhk said as he raised his hand thinking that he was going to pick all the heroes up and throw them across the room. He was surprised when this didn't work.

"Uh oh. Looks like you are having performance anxiety. That's too bad." White Canary said.

"I don't need my magic to stop you. I am a former member of the League of Assassins after all." Darhk said.

"So was I, and most everyone here has been trained by someone in the League." White Canary said.

"And who would that be?" Darhk asked.

"Hello Damian." Nyssa said as she walked out of the shadows.

"Nyssa, I am surprised that you are working with these people. What would your father think?" Darhk asked.

"Father isn't thinking anything right now. Green Arrow killed him not long ago. Talia is now running the League." Nyssa said.

"Well, that is a surprise. I guess I missed that news. No matter. I will still end all of you." Darhk said as he attacked and soon found out that he was very much overmatched by all of the heroes who had been trained by Nyssa and Ras himself. Once they had him down, Green Arrow walked up to him and asked, "Do you have any last words?"

Darhk didn't say anything and with that Green Arrow used one of his arrows and shoved it into the man's chest and he died instantly.

"Well, that wasn't that hard. I guess he let his fighting skills diminish because of his magic." Black Canary said.

"Yeah, it looks that way. At least we know that with you guys who do have powers, that you will continue to train and not let your skills decline." Green Arrow said.

"We will never let that happen. Truthfully, I would rather use my fighting skills than my powers any day." White Canary said.

"So, what do we do now?" Artemis asked.

"We go back to the bunker and we call it a night. I think taking down the leader of HIVE and the rest of his minions is cause to have an early night." Green Arrow said as the team went back to the bunker.

. . .

That night after they got home, Oliver and Laurel sat down on the couch to relax for a while. "So, who all do we have left to fight now that Darhk is out of the way?" Oliver asked.

"We just have Prometheus and Diaz. Both of them were the ones who caused you the most trouble. Diaz just had the luxury of everyone still being corrupt in the city and Chase knew everything about you through Talia, which won't happen this time either." Laurel said.

"Well, that is good to know. So, who should we go after first?" Oliver asked.

"I would say Diaz if we have a choice, though I know that Chase is already here." Laurel said.

"How is that?" Oliver asked.

"He came in for an interview the other day. He was your DA in the other timeline." Laurel said.

"Well, until he starts causing trouble, we can't really go after him. So, let's go after Diaz if we can and then we can take down Chase once he shows himself as Prometheus." Oliver said and Laurel nodded as they continued to rest for a while before going to the bedroom and going to sleep.

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