Chapter 24

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Later that night at home Oliver and Laure were spending time with Conner since they hadn't really seen him much since they got home from their honeymoon. They decided that they would all watch a movie. Conner wanted to watch the Lion King, and that sounded good to both Oliver and Laurel.

Once they were done watching the movie, they put Conner to bed and then they both came back into the living room and sit down and talk for a while. "So, what do I have to look forward to next?" Oliver asked.

"Well, Slade would be next. Things have changed though. Some of the things that happened last time can't happen now." Laurel said

"How is that?" Oliver asked.

"He sent someone to take over your family company because you were worried because Thea had been kidnapped and so you signed the company over to this person and you lost everything. Also, Slade had someone run for mayor, although that won't happen now because you mom has already been voted in for the next four years." Laurel said.

"The business part is not a problem because Walter is in charge there. Mom being the mayor can change. They just need to find something on her." Oliver said.

"Well, looks like we might have to do some damage control then." Laurel said.

"Looks that way. So, who are these people we need to look out for?" Oliver asked.

"Sabastian Blood and Isabel Rochev. They both work for Slade and they will do whatever it takes to see you fall." Laurel said.

"They know who I am?" Oliver asked.

"Not until later on. They are just blind followers. Isabel was one of your father's flings, so that is why she wants to see you lose everything. Blood just wants to be mayor." Laurel said.

"Ok, so we know what to look for now. Everyone else already knows all of this?" Oliver asked and Laurel nodded.

"Good. That is less that we have to tell them later. Let's go get some rest. We are going to have a long day tomorrow. It's the opening night for the club." Oliver said.

"Well, the good thing is that you have a private office, so we don't have to be worried about getting caught like we did when we were younger." Laurel said.

"Laurel Queen, are you saying that you want to break in my new office?" Oliver asked.

"I do believe that is what I am saying. Are you interested?" Laurel asked.

"You better believe it. I will make the time for that." Oliver said.

"You know, if we keep going at it like we are right now, we are going to have another kid really soon." Laurel said.

"I am fine with that if you are." Oliver said.

"If the baby is with you, I am more than fine with it. You are the love of my life. I will have as many kids as you want." Laurel said.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. We aren't even really trying yet. Let's start with one more then we can see how it goes after that." Oliver said.

"I think that is a good idea. I think two would be perfect." Laurel said.

"Good. Let's go get some rest since we haven't had much in the last week." Oliver said.

"Yeah, I can't believe we only got like two hours of sleep a night and we were still able to function." Laurel said.

"I think it was the adrenaline that kept us going. I can't figure out anything else." Oliver said.

"Makes since. Good night Ollie." Laurel said.

"Good night Laurel." Oliver said and then they went to sleep.

The next night Oliver, Emiko, Sara, and Tommy were getting ready for the opening of their new club. Oliver was happy with the way that things had come together. He looked at his sister and couldn't help but be happy that she had decided to join them in getting this club up and going.

"Emiko, I am glad that you decided to join Sara, Tommy, and me in starting this club. I don't think it would have gone as smoothly without you here." Oliver said.

"I would do anything for family, and you are family. I am just glad that you decided to let me join the family. I know your mom doesn't like it, but thanks anyways." Emiko said.

"Don't worry about mom. She will get over it. So, you know, this place will have plenty of guys here. Maybe you can find one for yourself." Oliver said.

"We'll see. I have never really had a boyfriend before. I was always to busy with school and helping the Ninth Circle." Emiko said.

"About the Ninth Circle. Do you think they will retaliate for you leaving them?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, they will. They don't take someone deserting them well. I am surprised they haven't tried already." Emiko said.

"We have your back. Now let's get in there and have some fun." Oliver said as the four of them went inside.

Oliver waited behind until he saw his wife coming and he was stunned how beautiful she looked. He was glad that he had that private office because he was sure that it was going to go to good use tonight.

"Hey handsome. Not that I mind, but you need to stop drooling on yourself." Laurel said while laughing at Oliver.

"Yeah, sorry about that. You look great." Oliver said.

"Thanks. Now let's get in there so that we can see how everything is going." Laurel said and they both entered the club.

Later on, Oliver took Laurel out on the dance floor and they danced for a while. When they were ready for a break, they walked over to one of the tables and looked around.

"I haven't seen Sara and Tommy for a while. I wonder if they are using their private office for what we are going to use mine for later." Oliver said.

"They probably are. So, how is Emiko doing?" Laurel asked.

"She is doing fine. I am glad she decided to do this with me. So, how about we head to my office and see if we can put it to good use." Oliver said and he grabbed Laurel's hand and they walked to his office. Before going in, he sees Tommy and Sara exit their office and he smiles at them and then enters his office knowing that his friends would keep an eye on things in the club for the time being.

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