Chapter 52

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The next week the team was out in the field and they got the jump on a group of what they had started to call The Ghosts. Green Arrow was able to use a tranquilizing arrow before the one that was still conscious could break his tooth and kill himself.

"So, we have one of these guys to question now. I am assuming that we need to take him back to the bunker and remove the tooth so that he can't use it later." White Canary said.

"That would be the plan. This will keep him out until we can do that." Green Arrow said as he pointed at the arrow.

"Well, let's get him back before this starts to wear off." Black Canary said and the rest of the team nodded as Spartan came up and picked the man up so that he could put the man in the van and take him back to the bunker.

. . .

Once the team was back at the bunker they took the man's tooth out and then put him in a cell until he woke up. Green Arrow was hoping that the guy would answer their questions without any problems, but he wasn't counting on it. He knew that he would probably have to use some of his skills that he picked up from his five years away to get the answers that he needed.

"So, is this guy still down for the count?" Tommy asked as he walked in.

"Yeah, he will probably be out for another thirty minutes or so. I made the tranquilizer a bit stronger than usual so that we would know that it would keep him out until we got back here and got the tooth out." Oliver said.

"Do you think he will answer your questions?" Tommy asked as he and Oliver were looking at the man.

"Not likely. I will probably have to use some of the methods that I learned while I was away to get the answers that we need." Oliver said.

"So, torture then? I can't say that I am happy about that, but I do know that we need the answers, so I will leave you to your torture then." Tommy said as he left the room.

Not long later the man started to wake up and he tried to use his tooth and found out it was no longer in his mouth. Green Arrow looked at the man and asked, "Looking for this?"

Oliver held up the man's tooth and the man was starting to look scared now because he knew that there was no way out of this. Green Arrow walked to the door of the cell and opened it, and then walked in. "I am going to ask you this once. Make it easy on yourself and answer the question and I won't have to use other methods to get my answers."

"Where can we find Damian Darhk and the rest of your organization?" Green Arrow asked.

The man looked at him and said, "You think you scare me more than Darhk does? I will not answer your questions. That is how scared I am of that man."

"Have it your way." Green Arrow said as he took out an arrow and shot the man in the shoulder and the man screamed out in pain.

"Let's try this again. Where can we find the rest of your organization?" Green Arrow asked as he approached the man.

"This might hurt, but I am still more scared of Darhk than I am you." The man said.

Green Arrow walked up to the man and twisted the arrow causing the man to scream out in pain again. "Last chance. Answer the question and I won't need to do that again."

The man didn't answer so Green Arrow twisted the arrow again and this time he wasn't going to stop until the man answered his question. Finally the Ghost had had enough of the pain and he broke.

"Fine. Just stop twisting the arrow. We are based out of a building in the center of the city. I believe it is the old Merlyn Global building." The Ghost said.

"Thank you for your help." Green Arrow said as he knocked the man out and got Diggle to take the man to the police station.

. . .

"So, these guys are using Merlyn Global as their base. Sounds about right. Nothing good ever happens there." Tommy said.

"Well, at least we know where Darhk is now. We still need training with the tattoo, so we will not be able to go after him just yet. We will continue to keep stopping them for now, until we can know how to use the tattoo effectively and end this once and for all." Oliver said.

"Sounds like a plan to me. So, what is the plan now?" Laurel asked.

"We start making our plan for attacking Darhk, so we all know what to do when it is time to act." Oliver said.

"You make it sound so easy. I wish it really was that easy though. I just have a feeling that something will go wrong and we will have to improvise." Sara said.

"It is always good to have backup plans as well. We can work on some of them just in case something does happen." Oliver said.

After they had come up with a plan and several backup plans, the team went to workout for a while and make sure that they stayed in top shape so that the bad guys didn't ever get the jump on them. Once they were done, Oliver walked over and sat down at one of the computers.

"What are you doing?" Laurel asked as she walked up behind her husband.

"Just looking at the news and seeing if it will let me know how long Darhk has been here. If what you told me about his city underground is true, then he has had to have been here for a while, and just stayed off of our radar somehow." Oliver said.

"We will figure it out, Ollie. Now come on and let's go home. We have two children at home waiting on us." Laurel said as she and Oliver left the bunker to head home for the night.

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