Chapter 47

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It had been three days since Ras had given Oliver the ultimatum to either join the League of Assassins or watch his city be brought to an end by the League cleansing it. There was no choice in the matter. Team Arrow would fight to their last breath if they had to, but they wouldn't be joining the League of Assassins or letting their city burn. Hopefully.

The team was talking over their strategy one last time before they went to take on Ras and what members of the League that he brought with him. Talia would stay hidden for a while and Nyssa would be making it look like she was fighting with the League until the end and then she would turn on her father and it would be three on one if Oliver ended up needing their help.

"So, is everyone clear on the plan for tonight?" Oliver asked.

"I am sure that the shit will probably hit the fan at some point, but until then, we understand the plan." Thea said.

"Yeah, I guess in that situation we will just have to improvise." Oliver said.

"Yeah, it won't be so bad though. All that matters is that we beat Ras and I think we all know how to do that if Oliver can't do it himself. This will not be a fair fight because we will do whatever it takes to save this city." Sara said.

"That we will. Now everyone go and suit up. We need to be at the meeting place soon." Oliver said and the team went to suit up so that they could go and fight the League of Assassins.

. . .

When Team Arrow arrived at the warehouse, everyone stayed back except for Green Arrow, White Canary, and Artemis. These were the ones that Ras wanted in his League, so he took it as them coming forward and to join him, but he didn't know what was really going on yet.

"I see that the three of you are here to join the League of Assassins. You are missing one though." Ras said.

"Black Canary will not be coming because she is pregnant and the League is not a place for a pregnant woman and a child." Green Arrow said.

"Well, the League will take good care of the baby and when they are old enough they will join the four of you in fulfilling the purpose of the League." Ras said.

"I think you are mistaken Ras. We are not here to join you. We are here to make sure that you don't hurt our city." White Canary said.

"Well, in that case, you will die with your city. It is a simple choice really. You join the League or you die. There is no other way for this to end." Ras said.

"I think you are underestimating us. We will stop you and then our city will remain safe." Green Arrow said.

"How do you plan on doing that when I have fifty men here and you only have three." Ras said.

"Who said we only have three?" Artemis asked as the other members of Team Arrow entered the building and started to take out members of the League.

"Looks like I gave you too much credit to do what was right for your city. I will not make that mistake again. I will kill you all and then your city will burn." Ras said as White Canary and Artemis went to join the others in the fight.

Green Arrow and Ras were left alone. Green Arrow pulled out his sword and got ready to fight Ras.

"Do you really think that you can beat me boy?" Ras asked.

"Maybe not, but I have faith that I can beat you." Green Arrow said.

"Well, that will be your downfall. I will kill you quickly and then I will go and kill the rest of your team and then the city will end as well." Ras said.

"We'll see about that." Green Arrow said as he waited for Ras to make the first move, which he soon did.

Green Arrow seemed to be doing well for now while the rest of his team was taking out all of the minions that Ras had brought with him. They were having to kill all of them so that word wouldn't get back to the rest of the League if Green Arrow were to need some help at some point during this fight.

Ras was now showing that he was a bit better with the sword than Green Arrow was and this was when Talia decided to act and enter the fight. Now the other team members were going to have to make sure that all of the League members here were dead.

"You would attack me when I am in a Trial by Combat. I thought you were better than that." Ras said.

"Yes, I will see your rule end tonight because you are corrupt and you need to be stopped." Talia said.

"What you say is corrupt, another might think that it is what is needed." Ras said.

"Well, then they are corrupt as well." Talia said as the fight started to turn in the favor of Green Arrow and Talia.

The rest of Team Arrow had done what they needed to do and finished off all of Ras' minions. They were watching as Talia and Green Arrow fought Ras now. While Ras was distracted by his two opponents, Nyssa snuck up behind her father and stabbed him through the heart with her fell to his knees and turned his head to see his other daughter had stabbed him and then he fell to the ground, dead.

Green Arrow reached down and got the ring from Ras' finger and then the team left the warehouse and set it on fire so that there was no evidence of what had happened here on this night.

. . .

The team walked back into the bunker and changed out of their suits and into their civilian clothes and then went to set down and discuss what to do about the League.

"Talia, I think that you should have the power of the League. I think it would be good for you to join your League with the League of Assassins and then have the most powerful force in the world at your disposal." Oliver said.

"I am glad that you think that Oliver, but are you sure that you don't want to have that power?" Talia asked.

"I have enough going on here to worry about. I don't have time to live in Nanda Parbat." Oliver said.

"Very well. I will take over the League of Assassins then. What about you sister?" Talia asked Nyssa.

"I would like to be released. I have enjoyed my time out of the League while I was here helping Oliver and his team." Nyssa said.

"Well, consider yourself released from the League of Assassins. Don't be a stranger though. I would like for us to be close again like we were when we were younger." Talia said and Nyssa nodded.

"I think I better get to Nanda Parbat and take control before one of those who was not here tries to take power. Thank you for this Oliver. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask." Talia said.

"I will keep that in mind. Goodbye Talia." Oliver said as Talia walked out of the bunker to go and take her rightful place as the ruler of the League of Assassins.

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