Chapter 5

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As the police walked into the room lead by Quentin, he looked at his daughters and their friends and just chuckled because he knew exactly what had happened.

"So, there was a robbery across the street and people said that the three of you (He pointed at Oliver, Laurel, and Sara.) were gone for a while." Quentin said.

"Well, I don't know where Sara was, but Ollie and I were making out in one of the rooms upstairs." Laurel said.

"Didn't need to know that but as long as someone can say that they saw you coming out of one of the rooms I can go with that." Quentin said.

"I saw them." Tommy said and Quentin nodded.

"And you Sara?" Quentin asked.

"I needed some air. This is not quite my scene like it used to be." Sara said.

"Any witnesses?" Quentin asked.

"I was with her." Thea said as she walked up to the group for the first time tonight, but no one had to know that.

"Well that all I needed to know. We will search the place really quick and then we will be out of your hair." Quentin said and they all nodded.

"Is it just me or is it weird that your dad let that go so easily." Oliver said.

"Don't ruin our luck Ollie. Just take the win." Sara said and Oliver nodded.

"Ok, so what is really going on here? Tommy, I know you didn't see Laurel and I, and Thea, why would you lie for Sara?" Oliver asked.

"We will all meet at the mansion when we are done here, and we will let you know what is up." Laurel said and Oliver just nodded because he knew that was the best he could get for now.

The night was nearing an end, and everyone was getting ready to leave. Emiko was about to leave when Oliver said, "Thanks for coming tonight. It meant a lot. Tommy, Sara and I are meeting at the old Queen Factory in the Glades tomorrow afternoon at four to talk about putting our club there. If you want in on it come by then. We could always you some more ideas, especially from a person with a business degree."

"I will be there. It sounds like an interesting opportunity." Emiko said.

"Ok, we will see you then." Oliver said and Emiko left.

"I like her. I think she will fit in well with us." Laurel said.

"I think so too. So, how about we get back to the mansion so we can get everything out in the open about what everyone knows." Oliver said and all of his friends nodded.

Thirty minutes later, Oliver and Laurel, Quentin, Tommy, and Sara pull up in the driveway of the mansion. Thea had hitched a ride back with Oliver and Laurel. When they entered the mansion, they all went to the living room where Moira was waiting.

"So, who wants to start?" Oliver asked.

"I will. We have all had a visit from some people that we didn't expect. They were from the future Ollie." Laurel said

"That's interesting. So, what happened?" Oliver asked.

"They showed us some of the future so that we could help you with your mission." Sara said.

"But this was all supposed to be me by myself until I saw that Sara was capable of taking care of herself." Oliver said.

"Yes, but what was shown to us showed us that we are all part of your team at some point in time." Thea said.

"I can't see either mom or Quentin being a vigilante." Oliver said.

"Oh, were not. I am the money behind the operation, and Quentin is your inside man in the police force." Moira said.

"And what about you Tommy?" Oliver asked.

"I am really not sure yet. I guess I could train and join up as well." Tommy said.

"Thea, you don't have any fighting skills either." Oliver said.

"No, not yet. But I become pretty bad ass from what I saw." Thea said.

"Yeah, so while Thea and I are training to learn everything that we can, we will be your computer and comms people." Tommy said.

"Is there anyone else that is in on this?" Oliver asked.

"Well, I am talking to this boy named Roy Harper and he was on the team." Thea said and Oliver nodded.

"Your new bodyguard, who you will meet tomorrow is also a part of your team. He was your second in command it looked like, but I think you already have that with Sara and Laurel. I don't think Mr. Diggle will mind though." Moira said.

"Ok, so are you going to tell me anything about the future that I need to know?" Oliver asked.

"Not right now, but when we say that someone has to go a certain way, just know that we are right and that it has to be done." Sara said.

"I think I can deal with that for now." Oliver said.

"By the way, this is also how I found out about Emiko. We need to get her on the right path as soon as possible or she will turn out bad for us." Thea said.

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked.

"Let's just say her bitterness towards the Queen's caused her to take the wrong path and that is why it is best for us to be kind and welcoming to her now so that she doesn't turn out that way." Thea said.

"Do you think she would be a good addition to the team?" Oliver asked.

"If she is as good now as she is in the future, she will be a very good addition." Laurel said.

"We will see how she acts tomorrow and if I like what I see I might consider letting her in on the secret." Oliver said.

"I think that is for the best." Laurel said.

"I really do like her. I think she is a good person; she just didn't have any of the advantages Thea and I did growing up." Oliver said.

"From what I have seen of her, she seems to really like have a brother and sister to talk to." Sara said.

"Yeah, I think so too." Laurel said.

"Ok, so tomorrow night I am going to start putting a lair together. If all of you want to meet me at the old Queen Factory in the Glade, we can all get it done faster by working together." Oliver said and everyone nodded in agreement that they would meet tomorrow night.

Not long after that everyone started to leave the mansion so they all could be at home a get some rest because the hard work of cleaning up the city was about to begin.

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