Chapter 10

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The next day Oliver and Laurel were supposed to be at the mansion for lunch. They stopped by the jewelry store on the way and as expected Laurel picked out a simple ring with a small diamond on it. She had never been one to show off, so she was fine with a ring like this. When they arrived at the mansion, they saw that Quentin, Sara, Tommy, and Malcolm were there as well. This threw Laurel off a little bit because she had not seen Malcolm since she had watched the videos and seen the person that he really was.

"It is good to see you Oliver. I have to say, I am glad that you are back home." Malcolm said.

"Thank you, Malcolm. I wasn't expecting you here today. I thought you would have been at work." Oliver said.

"Well, normally I would be, but this is an important occasion. How often does a friend of the family come back to life?" Malcolm said.

"Well, it is good to see you. I am sure we will get to talk more later on." Oliver said.

"Yes, I am sure we will. Go and see your mother, I am sure she is waiting on you." Malcolm said and Oliver and Laurel went to greet the rest of the people in the mansion.

They all sat down to eat lunch and they were all carrying on conversations with each other, when Malcolm asked Oliver, "So Oliver, what do you think of these vigilantes that have shown up over the last couple of weeks?"

"I think it is crazy that these people think that they are needed in this city. Everything seemed peacefully before they showed up." Oliver said.

"I have to agree. Even though I have to say that crimes have seemed to go down sense they showed up. I think people are afraid they might run into the vigilantes." Malcolm said.

"That might be so, but you should be able to trust the law to take care of you. No one is above the law." Oliver said.

"On that we agree." Quentin said.

"So, Ollie and I have some news." Laurel said as she held her hand up and everyone saw the ring which cause Thea to run around the table to look at the ring and give them both hugs. After Thea had calmed down the rest of the people their congratulated the couple.

"So, when are you going to get married" Thea asked.

"We want to do it as soon as possible. We feel that we have lost enough time with me being lost at sea for five years." Oliver said.

"So, in a month or so then?" Moira asked.

"Yeah, that is probably what we are looking at. I was wondering if we could use the garden here for the wedding?" Laurel asked.

"That would be wonderful dear. I am assuming it will just be family and close friends?" Moira asked.

"Yeah, that is the plan. We need to start getting things ready as soon as possible." Laurel said.

"Yes, we will help with everything. Oliver, will you be joining us at the auction for Unidex Industries tonight?" Walter asked.

"I don't see why not. It is important to support family." Oliver said and Walter nodded at this.

"I really hope you win this auction Walter. It will be a great acquisition for your company." Malcolm said.

"Yes, I think it will be as well." Walter said.

"Well, I think Ollie and I are going to take Conner outside. Being pent up inside makes him get a little wild after a while." Laurel said as she and Oliver got up and walked out into the back yard of the mansion. This would also give them a good chance to look at the garden and see how they wanted to set everything up for the wedding.

"Hey, are you ok? You were acting a little weird earlier." Oliver said.

"Yeah, I just get the creeps being around Malcolm for some reason. I have never really liked him much." Laurel said.

"Are you sure that that is the only thing that is bothering you?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, I shouldn't tell you this yet because we can't do anything yet, but Malcolm is the person that we will be trying to stop from hurting the city soon. He wants to destroy the Glades because the people there didn't help his wife." Laurel said.

"Why can't we just go after him and stop him now?" Oliver asked.

"He has an organization that works for him. Your mother is a part of it but now she is going to be our person inside the organization. We need to take down the others first. These people control different part of what Malcolm needs for his plan to work. With those people out of the way he has no way to do what he wants to do. Then we can take him down easily." Laurel said.

"Yes, that does sound like a good plan. We can start on that after the auction tonight." Oliver said.

"Yeah, we are going to be needed there anyways. Someone will try to take out all the people bidding." Laurel said.

"Well, that sounds like it will be an interesting evening then." Oliver said as they watched Conner running around expending some of his energy.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" Sara said as she walked up behind them.

"Oh, not much. Just what we need to do about cleaning up the city." Laurel said.

"So, you told Ollie what is going on then? Don't worry. I had to get out of there and get away from Malcolm as well." Sara said.

Someone soon came out of the trees at the other end of the garden and approached the group. Oliver saw this person first and got ready to attack them when Sara put her hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Don't worry Ollie she is a friendly." Sara said.

"Hello beloved." Nyssa said to Sara.

"What are you doing here Nyssa?" Sara asked.

"Father sent me here to keep an eye on you and make sure you keep your word about dispensing justice and as of right now you are doing as you said you would." Nyssa said.

"I also have a proposition for your team. I want to train everyone in the ways of the League. I have a feeling that father is trying to pass me up for his heir, which means he is looking for someone else and I have a feeling that person will be Oliver." Nyssa said.

"I will except any help I can get because I have no interest in joining the League so I will need to know how to defeat your father." Oliver said.

"Well, I am willing to train you whenever you are ready. I will also train the rest of your team as well. They will need the training in case they need to face some others that come in the League." Nyssa said.

"Why would you do this though?" Sara asked.

"I don't agree with some of the things father is doing anymore. If I had my way, I would leave the League, but he would never let me leave so this is my only way out. I will be your person inside of the League." Nyssa said.

"That will be very helpful. Thanks for coming to us and also thanks for helping us." Oliver said and Nyssa nodded as she went back in the shadows and disappeared.

"Well, that was interesting." Laurel said.

"Yeah, it was. And it will also be very helpful to the team." Oliver said and they all walked back toward the mansion.

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