Chapter 64

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The next night the team was in the bunker after having been out on patrol for the night. Some of the team was working out while the others were sitting around trying to come up with a plan for when Crisis did come, since most of them had seen what had happened and had a few ideas of what could change things for the better this time around.

"So, you say that I die and become this Specter and have powers?" Oliver asked.

"Yep. You were most definitely the master of the universe since you remade the multiverse." Sara said.

"I just can't see that happening to someone like me. I mean I could see it happening to Barry or Kara, but not me." Oliver said.

"You don't give yourself enough credit Ollie. We all know that you are a hero, now all you have to do is believe it. Apparently this Monitor guy already knows this or he wouldn't have picked you." Laurel said.

"I hope that you are right. Anyways, so how do you plan for me to make it through this Crisis without dying?" Oliver asked.

"I don't think that is possible. You will have to die, but hopefully we can keep you from dying the second time." Laurel said.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Oliver asked.

"We all talked this over a long time ago, and for it to work you can't know what we are thinking right now. I hope you can understand that." Thea said as she walked up after her workout.

"It must be dangerous, but if you know that it will work, I am all for it. I am not ready to die yet." Oliver said.

"Well, if things go the way that we think they will, you won't have to worry about that for a long time." Laurel said.

As Oliver was about to respond, something happened and the alarms started to go off showing that someone was in the bunker with them. They all turned around to see a man that they hadn't met yet, but had seen in the videos of Oliver's future.

"Mar Novu. I guess this means that the Crisis is coming sooner than we had thought that it was." Laurel said.

"I see that you know me. I shouldn't be surprised since I do know that people from the future showed you what is going to happen in six months time." Novu said.

"So, we have six months. I was thinking it was going to be less than that, but it does give us more time to prepare." Oliver said.

"That it does Oliver. As for the plan that the rest of your team has come up with, I do think it will work the way they are hoping it will, so I would say go ahead and go through with that plan." Novu said as he looked toward Laurel and smiled.

"I am glad that you think it will work. So, what do you need us to do now?" Laurel asked.

"I just need you to be prepared. That means that you need to go out and let all of the other heroes on this earth know what is going on. Let them know that they need to be ready when you call for them." Novu said.

"We can do this. Is there anything else?" Oliver asked.

"Not at this time. I will be back to warn you when it is time to gather all of the heroes for what will be the fight of your lives." Novu said as he disappeared.

"Well, that was rude." Thea said right after Novu disappeared.

"Yeah, I guess that is what it feels like when we disappear on people like that." Oliver said and the rest of the team nodded.

"So, what do we do now?" Tommy asked.

"We go home for the night and get some rest. Tomorrow, we will start getting all of the heroes of this earth together. We might have to go out of town for a while to find some of these people. So, make sure to take off work if you need to." Oliver said and the rest of the team went to leave and get some rest because they knew that might not happen again until after the Crisis was over.

. . .

The next day all of the team was in the bunker looking at what they had to do to get ready for Crisis. Oliver had already called Barry and Kara to let them know what was going on and they said that they would talk to anyone else that they knew that would be able to help like Superman.

"Ok, so all of the heroes that we know already know about Crisis and are getting intouch with any other heroes that they might know. I have a few people that we need to check out that we don't know." Oliver said and everyone looked toward him so that they knew what was on the list.

"Well, I think that I am going to Gotham and see if Batman is willing to help us. I already know that his cousin will be in, but I need to make my pitch to him as well." Oliver said.

"I will go with you. You know how persuasive I can be." Laurel said.

"Ok, so Laurel and I will go to Gotham. Sara, you and Tommy will go to Washington DC and talk to Wonder Woman. Thea and Roy will go to Maine and see if you can find anything out about Aquaman. Diggle and Emiko, I want the two of you to go to Coast City and see what you can find out about this green guy that has been flying around there." Oliver said and since everyone had their assignments they all got their bags that they had brought with them so that they could leave as soon as possible. They knew that most of them would have their work cut out for them because they were even having a hard time thinking about the Crisis that was coming was a real thing, but they knew that it was because most of them had seen it through the videos.

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