Chapter 61

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It had been a few weeks now since Sara and Tommy got engaged and everyone had been taking their nights to keep an eye on Chase to see how close he was to putting his plan into action. The good thing was that when they were watching Chase, they could see what he was going to do and who he was going to go after first. It looked like when Chase thought the time was right he was going to attack Laurel first.

From the information that they had gathered, they knew that he was going to attack her outside of the DA's office when she was leaving to go home. They decided that this would be the perfect time to stop Chase before he ever began his plans.

"Ok, so we are going to use me as bait?" Laurel asked.

"Yes. It is the best way to know where Chase is and it will also allow us all to be there to stop him in his tracks." Oliver said.

"I have to agree with Oliver, Laurel. And it is not like you are helpless either." Sara said.

"I know. I just hate the fact that I am going to have to hold back so that no one can figure out who I am." Laurel said.

"You don't have to hold back that much. Everyone knows that you are an accomplished martial artist. People will just assume that you were using those skills, but I do understand where you are coming from though." Oliver said.

"So, when do you think we will be able to put this plan into motion? I am ready to be done with all of these supervillains." Thea said.

"I don't really know for sure. That is why we are still going to have to follow Chase for a while, until we know when he plans to make his first move." Oliver said.

"That makes sense. So, who is tailing him tonight?" asked Emiko.

"I think tonight is Sara and Tommy's time to go out and tail Chase. The rest of you will do your normal patrols so that the rest of the city doesn't go to shit because we are too worried about Chase." Oliver said as the team went to get dressed so that they could go out and look after the city.

. . .

Later that night after the team had finished their patrol and Sara and Tommy were back from tailing Chase, they had a meeting to find out if there was anything new that the rest of the team needed to know about.

"Well, it looks like Chase is ready to start up his plans. From what we were able to see is that Chase will start attacking us in two days. We will need to be ready so that he doesn't do anything to any of us, especially Laurel, since she is the one it looks like he is going after first." Sara said.

"I just have one question. Why go after Laurel first?" Emiko asked.

"It is all about what will be easiest for him. He is working under Laurel right now, which means that he will be there so it is the best way to start off because he won't have to go out and find where the rest of us are." Oliver said.

"It does make sense. So, what is the plan then?" Laurel asked.

"We will all have the place surrounded when it is time for you to leave. We let him think that he is all alone and when he goes to attack we take him down." Oliver said

"Doesn't sound too difficult. We have a whole team and he only has one person. This should be easy enough." Thea said.

"We don't know that for sure Speedy. He could have people working with him as well. Don't let your pride get the better of you here." Sara said.

"I guess you are right. We need to account for everything that could happen." Thea said.

"That's right Speedy. So, you and Roy are going to be watching Chase tomorrow night. Find out the rest of his plan and then we will put the finishing touches on our plan." Oliver said while Thea and Roy nodded in agreement with their assignment for the next night.

"Ok everyone, I think we are done here for tonight. Let's take the rest of the night off. Stay focused on what needs to be done so that everything will go smoothly." Oliver said as everyone went to change so that they could go home.

. . .

After their patrol the next night, the team was back in the bunker talking over what they needed to do the next night. "So, did you find anything new?" Oliver asked Thea and Roy.

"Yeah, Chase looks like he might have a little crew. A young girl named Evelyn and what looks like a clone of Laurel." Thea said.

"So, my doppelganger is here. This should be interesting. What is their plan? Kidnap me and replace me with her?" Laurel asked.

"That was my first thought. I don't know for sure, but we need to make sure we get her off the streets as soon as possible. We don't need her dirtying up your name Laurel." Roy said and Laurel nodded.

"We will take care of it. First we need to take out the help, which means this Evelyn girl and Laurel's lookalike. Then we will all converge on Chase and take him out when he realizes that he is helpless." Oliver said.

"Sounds good. So, what time do we need to be there tomorrow night, Laurel?" Sara asked.

"Tomorrow is going to be my early night, so I will be leaving at 6. So, you will probably need to be there around 5:45." Laurel said.

"Just as the sun is going down. That is good. That way we will be able to hide." Thea said.

"Ok everyone, does everyone know what they need to do tomorrow night? If you have questions, now is the time to ask." Oliver said and the team nodded because everyone knew their assignments for the next night.

"Good. Now go home and get some rest. Tomorrow night should be easy for us, but we need to be prepared if it is not." Oliver said and the team nodded as they left the bunker for the night.

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