Prologue | Fate

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Two shall be born the whole world wide apart,
And speak in different tongues, and pay their debts
In different kinds of coin; and give no heed
Each to the other's being. And know not
That each might suit the other to a T,
If they were but correctly introduced.
And these, unconsciously, shall bend their steps,
Escaping Spaniards and defying war,
Unerringly toward the same trysting-place,
Albeit they know it not. Until at last
They enter the same door, and suddenly
They meet. And ere they've seen each other's face
They fall into each other's arms, upon
The Broadway cable car - and this is Fate!

Poem credits: Carolyn Wells and


Surprise! Another KaiSoo fanfiction!

I don't know...I was just bored and this idea has been growing on me for a while now, so I'm really excited about it. However, this will be my first "out of world," if you will, fanfic so I apologize ahead of time if it lacks in anyway.

I won't be starting this for a while yet because I have to finish the KaiSoo one I'm working on now and I'd really like to start working on my GTOP one and re-writing my Neo one. But I will let you know when it will be up officially.

Speaking of that, I will not be updating anything today because I'm honestly just not feeling it. Sorry...but I'm lazy.

So please leave a like and a comment below telling me what you think so far about this new adventure! Thank you for the continued support! I don't know what I'd do without you guys! <3

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