Chapter Eighteen | A Jongin Thing

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Jongin's POV

"I thought you said he was waking up."

"He was, I swear! I saw his lips move!" I groaned, hearing the sound of voices. My head made them out to be a bit faint, but I could tell that one of them belonged to Sehun. I could recognize his annoying voice from any distance. "See! Look, he just groaned!"

"Yeah, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is waking up, dumb ass." That one was Baekhyun.

"Guys, stop the bickering will you?" And that one belonged to Joonmyun hyung. "And you know I don't like it when you curse." I groaned once more, finally able to move more of my body besides my fingers.

"You guys, look!" Maybe that was Luhan, but it could have been Lay, too. I didn't really care about who was speaking though. All I cared about was getting the hell out of this bed and finding Kyungsoo.

"I told you he was waking up!" Sehun said. "Who's the dumb ass now, huh?"

"You little shit..." Baekhyun said.

"Yah..." I mumbled, earning a barely audible gasp from them. "If you two don't shut up right now, I will smash both of your faces against a wall." I finally opened my eyes and saw all five of them huddled around me, some of them standing and others sitting.

"Hyung!" Sehun said, his voice booming with excitement. "You're awake!" Then he leaned and engulfed me in a hug that I did not find to be good in any way.

"Get off of me," I said, pushing him off. "Seriously, I hate you sometimes." They all laughed and rubbed my eyes with my newly made fists.

"How are you feeling?" Joonmyun hyung asked.

"Like I've just been resurrected from the dead," I said.

"Well, that's because you've been asleep for a good month, so you basically have been resurrected," he said, a slight chuckle in his voice.

"You don't know how badly I wanted to wake up," I said, letting my hands fall to my sides. "It was like I was stuck in a dream and couldn't get out. It was awful."

"It must have been," Lay said sympathetically. "But at least you're up and awake now, right?"

"Yeah," I said, letting go of a light sigh. I looked around, a sense of urgency abruptly hitting me. "Kyungsoo. I have to go find him."

"No, no, no," Joonmyun hyung said, gently pushing me back down as I tried to sit up. "You literally just woke up, Kai. He can wait."


"I said no," he said sternly, making me scoff in defeat and relax my muscles. What alpha says goes. "Besides, I'm sure he'll be back tomorrow. He's been coming to visit you every day."

"Really?" I asked. "Every day?" 

"Like clockwork," Joonmyun hyung said as he got to his feet. "Does that surprise you?"

"Yeah," I said, letting my eyes trail off for a second. "He ran away when I told him the truth...I thought he hated me."

"Well, evidently he doesn't," he said with a soft, faint smile. "Now you just stay in bed and we'll get you something to eat. You must be starving." Just as he said that my stomach growled loudly, earning a small chortle from him and Lay.

"Maybe just a little bit," I said.

"Good," Lay said, letting out a little laugh. "I'll bring it up when it's ready."

"Thanks, hyung," I said. He smiled at me and then they all left the room.

I still couldn't wrap my head around it. Why had Kyungsoo come over here to see me? It made no sense to me, especially after seeing his reaction. Did he feel guilty after seeing me or did he genuinely miss me? I didn't know the answer, but the answer didn't really matter right now. All that mattered was he had completely shattered all my negative expectations for my life. Maybe, just maybe it wasn't time for me to leave yet.

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