Chapter Seven | Progress

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Kyungsoo' POV

"Hey Soo," Luhan said to me from across the table, his eyes practically embedded in his book. "Did you know that it is physically impossible for werewolves to cheat on their mates or people they've imprinted on? That means if you were that person, then you'd never have to worry about them cheating on you. How cool is that?" 

I rolled my eyes at him, in the middle of sipping on my drink, and set it down after I had swallowed. "So cool that I actually don't care," I replied, earning a scoff from him.

"You know, maybe if you had a hobby or something to believe in like I do you'd be less rotten and bitter," he said, finally closing his book and pushing it off to the side.

"And maybe if you weren't so wrapped in your fantasy world you'd be less annoying, but this is the world we live, where I'm bitter and you're annoying," I said.

"You just love insulting me and my interests, don't you?" he asked, his eyes focused into a glare.

"Yep, it's my number goal in life," I said with a smug smirk on my lips, making him shake his head as he took a sip of his drink.

"Not that I should be caring, but how was your day?" he asked after he swallowed.

"It was frustrating," I said, the thought of Kai instantly hitting my mind.

"Why?" he asked. "Who pissed you off today?"

"Probably no one you'd know," I said. "They're new kids. Literally just started today."

"Oh, I heard about them," he said, pointing a finger at me. "I heard they are like super hot."

"Definitely more attractive than any of the guys that go here," I said.

"That's not saying much. Any guy is more attractive than the guys at our school," he said, his head tilted to the side a little and making me nod my head in agreement. 

Luhan is gay, too. Another reason we get along so well.

The waiter brought us our food a moment later, temporarily interrupting our conversation. We both thanked him before he left. 

"Anyway, back to your issue," he said, waving his hand around a little. "What happened with the new kids that pissed you off?"

"Nothing in particular really," I said, already eating my food. "It wasn't all of them. It was just one of them that frustrated me."


"Because he's..." I said, trying to find the right way to explain it as Luhan looked up at me, chewing his food. "He's just"

"Wait a minute," he said as he held up a hand, moving his jaw until he swallowed. "You're telling me a guy pissed you off because he was so hot?"

"Yes." I leaned down and took another bite of my food as Luhan knitted his eyebrows.

"I don't get it. Aren't hot guys supposed to make you happy not angry?" he said.

"Yes, but this is not just any hot guy, my friend," I said, wiping my mouth with my napkin. "He is like this tan-skinned, sexy, low-voiced god and I hate it. But at the same time he is super cute, so it's kind of confusing. It's like I want to cuddle him and punch him and fuck him all at the same time. It's super frustrating."

"Okay then..." Luhan said as he set his chopsticks down on his napkin. "Maybe you should talk to him and get all this out before you really do all those things."

"That's another problem, I can't," I said.

"How come? Is he deaf or something?" Luhan said.

"No, he just won't talk to me for whatever reason, so I just feel like he doesn't want me to talk to him," I said. "I mean, I was nicer than I usual am to him, but he didn't look at me for the rest of the day. It's like he already hates me or something. That's okay for other people, but not him. I just met him for crying out loud. How can he already dislike me?"

"Maybe he picked up on the bad vibes you give off," Luhan said, prompting me to shoot him a glare. "Kidding...kind of. But anyway, I think the only way to find out for sure if is to talk to him. It's his first day at a new school, so I'm sure he's probably shy. Maybe you have to be the one to approach him first."

I didn't want him to be, but Luhan was right. I had to be the one to make the first move because clearly, this Kai guy wasn't going to. Now it was just a matter of figuring out how to make the first move.


The next day at school, I walked into my first class and saw that he was already in his seat. After much self deliberation the night before, I decided the best way for me get some words out of him was to be blunt and if he didn't like that, then maybe he wasn't worth my time. I didn't know if that philosophy would get me anywhere, but I at least had to try. 

I took a deep breath, giving myself some encouragement before walking over and sitting in my seat next to him. I saw him glance at me while I wasn't looking, but he turned his head away quickly once I even moved my eyes in his direction. Taking another deep breath, I knew it was time to get to the bottom of this.

"Have we met before?" I asked him, placing my hands on the desk and my eyes on his face. He hesitantly turned to look at me, scanning me up and down before saying,

"I don't believe so." I inhaled a sharp breath when I heard his deep voice. My eyes faltered a little as I tried to recollect myself.

"Then why do you act like you hate me?" I said next.

"I don't hate you. I don't even know you," he said plainly.

"Yeah, no shit," I said, rolling my eyes a bit. "But you never look at me for more than ten seconds and you haven't said anything to me since yesterday, which was only like two words. Did I do something wrong that made you feel like you need to act like a stuck up dick?" He just kind of looked at me with one eyebrow raised before turning his head and snickering. "What? Do you think I'm funny now?" I asked, getting annoyed with him again.

"No, no," he said, shaking his head a little. "It's just your ears flare a little when you get mad. It's cute." I looked away in a flustered and embarrassed manner, pressing a hand to my ear. This guy was something else. He doesn't say anything to me and when he finally does it's something like that.

"Well, I'm not trying to be cute," I said after I had regained my strength. "I'm trying to be serious here."

"It's not working very well for you," he said with that lethal smirk on his lips.

"Look here," I said, shifting in my seat a bit more so that my body was facing him more. "I am not a people person whatsoever, so I recommend that you don't get on my bad side because I will make your life a living hell. But since I just met you yesterday and had the generosity to give you a tour, I'll give you a chance to get on my good side, alright?" He nodded once, clearly trying to hold back a snicker. "Good. Now stop avoiding me like I'm the plague. It's annoying and I don't like annoying things," I said as I turned back the right way in my seat.

"Whatever you say, sir," he said with a small sigh, sitting back in his seat. I glared at him a little and he just laughed at me, shaking his head and putting his attention to Mr. Park as the bell rang.

It wasn't very relieving, but it was progress.


Poor Kyungie, now he gets to experience the more talkative side of Jongin, although I'm not sure he wants to XD

I'm sorry for a late update, but I had to get my one shot done first. Priorities. Anyway, I hope you liked and thanks for reading! <3

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