Chapter Forty-Five | Our Little Princess

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Kyungsoo's POV

By the time another three or so months had passed, I was finally starting to show, as my stomach had now formed into a small and perfectly round baby bump. I was nearing the end of the first of three trimesters, so I knew that my next appointment with the vet would be when I could find out what kind of baby was growing inside of me. I was still debating on whether or not I wanted to know, but I figured I would just go with my gut when we were there.

"Soo, are you ready to go?" I heard Jongin ask me from downstairs. "Your appointment is in ten minutes."

"Okay, I'll be right there," I replied, making sure I had everything I needed before leaving our room. 

It was times like these that I felt extremely lucky to call Jongin my husband. He had been nothing but supportive over the past few months, making sure that I was never alone and ensuring that I ate plenty since I was eating for two now. Although we had yet to know what we were having, he started working on fixing the baby's room almost immediately. I could see how excited he was about becoming a dad and that couldn't have made me any happier.

"There you are," he said as came down the stairs, wearing his usual dashing smile.

"Sorry I took so long," I said once I reached the last couple steps. "I'm becoming slower now that I have the extra weight." He just laughed and took my hand as I stepped off the last step, pecking my lips with a kiss.

"Who can we blame for that, huh?" he teased as he bent down a bit and gently rubbed my stomach, making me giggle. He gave me another kiss and then locked our hands together before we headed out the door, getting in the car and driving to the vet's office. We had to wait for a short time when we first got there, but luckily I was wearing one of Jongin's big jackets so there was no chance of any of the vet's regular patients asking questions.

"I'm ready for you guys," the vet said to us after parted ways with another customer. Jongin stood up first to help me up and we walked back to the same room we usually went into to. "You know the drill by now," he said, holding the thick, wooden door open for us as we walked in, closing it after and joining us.

"Yep," I said as I carefully got on the table. Jongin pulled up a chair next to me as the vet prepared to start the check up, pressing a quick kiss to my hand that made me smile.

"Alright, as you probably know," he started as he faced us, "you are nearing the end of the first trimester, which means that we should be able to see what the sex is today." I looked down at Jongin and he just smiled at me and held onto my hand. "With that said, why don't you lay down and see what we have going on," he said as he stood up from his chair. I complied and scooted back on the table more before laying my back against it, fidgeting a bit until I got comfortable. He pushed my shirt up and put the ultrasound gel on my skin, its coldness sending a quick shiver down my spine. He spread it around and our eyes moved to the screen, trying to make sense of what we were seeing.

"Is that the baby?" Jongin asked with his narrowed eyes pointed at the screen.

"You bet it is," the vet said as he glanced at him.

"Are you sure?" Jongin said, making me laugh and hit him lightly. "What? I'm just saying that it doesn't look like a baby."

"Well, it is and it's yours, so be quiet," I said.

"I don't know if you can see it that well, but there's the head," the vet said as he pointed to a spot on the screen.

"Oh my god," I said in a quiet voice, my lips taken over by a smile.

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