Chapter Sixty-One | A New Mission

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Jongin's POV

I rose from bed the next morning to find that Kyungsoo was still sleeping peacefully beside me. I leaned down and kissed his forehead softly before I got out of bed, hearing him hum a little and reposition himself on the bed. A small yawn escaped my mouth as I walked over to the dresser where my phone was plugged in and I pulled it off the charger to check and see if Yunho had gotten back to me about Zelo becoming part of the pack. 

To someone outside of our kind, offering him a spot in the pack might not have been my smartest decision, but now I knew how Joonmyun hyung felt when he decided to move us. There were no words to describe why letting him in felt right, it just did.

When I saw that I had a message from him, I opened up my phone and tapped it with my thumb, pressing it to my ear so that I could hear. "Hey, Kai, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. Jaejoong and I were out when you called. About Zelo, I can definitely arrange something, but it may take a while because he is from a banned pack. Call me back when you get this and the three of us can set a time and place to meet up. Bye." 

I smiled for a brief second after the message ended, shutting off my phone and setting it back on the dresser prior to leaving the room. When I made it downstairs, I saw that he was no longer on the couch, furrowing my eyebrows in bewilderment. I became even more baffled when I saw that the front door was opened slightly.

"Nini?" My head turned when I heard Kyungsoo come downstairs as well just in time to see him yawn and rub his eyes. "What are you doing? You might wake Zelo up."

"I don't think I will," I said, moving my eyes away from him. 

"Huh? What do you mean?" He came over to stand by my side, his jaw dropping open when he saw what I saw. "Where is he?"

"I don't know," I replied with a sigh. A few moments of silence passed as we both looked around the empty room, seeing that the covers of the bed were pulled back.

"Do you think he left while we were asleep?" he asked me, his eyes moving to my face before he spoke. 

I shook my head and looked at him. "He didn't leave," I said. "They took him."


"Wait, you're telling me that Zelo's old pack stole him back?" asked Xiumin after I explained to them what I discovered. "Why would they do that? He can't hear their thoughts anymore, right?"

"Yeah, but it's them we're talking about," I said. "They'd do just about anything to ensure their plan goes well."

"Well, we can't just leave him with them," Kyungsoo said from his spot beside me on the couch. "They might hurt him."

"But we can't exactly go to them and get him back either," Baekhyun said. "They'll kill us the second they get the chance."

I sighed as lowered my head down to my hands. "I don't know what else we can do," I said, bringing my head back up. "What do you think we should do, hyung?"

"Well, Kyungsoo's right, but so is Baekhyun," Joonmyun hyung said with an exhale. "I get the feeling that if we just leave him be, Yongguk will find a way to make him pay for what he did and it won't be nice at all."

"Which means that if we really want to do something, we have to go and get him," I said, finishing for him and emitting a nod from him. 

"We have to find out where they are currently living first, but I know someone who can help with that," he said. A wave of silence washed over us as we gave each other a reassuring look, all of us mentally agreeing that we were going to make getting Zelo back our new mission.


Zelo's POV

I woke up with a booming headache and when I tried to move my hands to my head, I found that I couldn't. I tugged on whatever was holding them behind my back and then turned my head around to see that I was being held to a pole with metal chains. 

"There's no use trying to pull on them." Yongguk's deep voice caught my attention and slowly lifted my head up to see that he was sitting not too far away from me in a chair. "Welcome home, babe," he said with a smirk that told me that he was not happy. I remained silent as he knelt in front of me, my heart racing at the speed of light. "What exactly were you thinking trying to leave like that?" His piercing stare was aimed right at my eyes and I could only find the strength to gulp in response, feeling my body trembling in fear. 

"I-I'm sorry," I spat out in the form of a whisper, a few tears tussling around in my eyes. 

He snickered as his head dropped. "You're sorry?" he said, pulling his head back up. 

I nodded my head frantically. "I-I...I never intended for it to happen, I just..." I couldn't find it in me to say anything else. I was too terrified of him. 

"You almost screwed up the plan by deciding it would be best to leave," he said. "So, the question I have for you is, why? We may not be the world's most loving pack, but we're a pack nonetheless. So, why did you leave?"

"I already told you, I didn't mean for it to happen, it just did," I said, speaking up this time. "Kai and his pack...they're so nice to me and I liked it. You know how the others treat me, especially Himchan. They hate me and they always say that once this is over, you're going to kill me anyway."

"And you believed them?" he asked with raised eyebrows. This time around, I didn't have an answer and I was glad that he could no longer hear the one in my head, yes. "Well, I see how it is," he said in a seemingly calm tone, sighing quickly before he stood up and headed for the stairs leisurely. 

"Wait," I called out, making his feet come to a stop but not making him turn around yet. "What are you going to do with me?" There was nothing but pure silence as he slowly shifted his body around to join his eyes with mine. 

"I think you already know, Zelo," he said in a dark voice that could make even the biggest, scariest spider crawl away. He gave me one last look before proceeding to go up the steps, making them emit a creaking sound that ended as soon as the door opened and shut, leaving me alone with the darkness once again. 


I'm sorry if this seemed rushed, but trying to write and watch a movie simultaneously is difficult. 

Please like and comment on this and I will be back tomorrow! *blows kisses* <3

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