Chapter Thirty-Five | Preparations

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Kyungsoo's POV

"," I heard Jongin say from above me. I groaned, yawning a bit as well, and moved so that I was laying on my stomach, my left cheek and hands pressed into the pillow. I was never a morning person, especially after a long night of love-making. Hey, he proposed to me. What else did you expect to happen after a surprise like that?

"Five more minutes," I mumbled, leaving my eyes closed. "Please. I'm still sleepy." I heard him chuckle, telling me that I had won.

"Fine," he said as he laid back down next to me. "But only five more minutes. We have lots of wedding plans to attend to," he added, pressing a quick kiss to the top of my head.

"Ugh, don't remind me," I groaned, snuggling into him once he put his arm around me. "I still haven't finished my speech and now I have to plan my wedding. I don't know how I'm going to pull all of this off."

"Don't worry about it," he said as he brushed my hair lightly with his fingers, resting his head on mine. "I'll help you as much as I can. And I'm sure Baekhyun will want to help, too."

"That's true, nosy bastard," I said as I laughed, making him laugh as well. I opened my eyes and looked at the ring on my finger and I couldn't help but smile. 

I never expected that I would be proposed to by anyone during my life, but I sure was happy that those expectations were broken and I was even more thrilled that they were broken by Jongin.

We finally got out of bed after one more round and walked up to the main house. When we walked in, we saw that the whole pack was there and they looked like they were getting ready to go somewhere.

"Kai, you're just in time," Joonmyun said with a smile. "We were going for a hunt. Care to join us?"

"I would, but I told Kyungsoo that I would help him with the wedding plans," Jongin said.

"So, you did decide to tell him?" Lay said, a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I did," Jongin replied, giving me a small smile. "It felt right." Lay just smiled and took another sip of his coffee.

"WHAT?!?!" Baekhyun shouted, making everyone wince. "YOU TOLD HIM?!" I rolled my eyes and turned to face Jongin.

"I'll deal with him. You go hunting," I said, making his face turn in my direction.

"Are you sure?" he asked with raised eyebrows. "Because I can stay. They don't need me there."

"No, no, I'm sure," I said, taking hold of his other hand and nodding. "After all, once we are married in a week, you'll have no freedom whatsoever, so you might as well enjoy it now." He laughed and kissed me briefly but lovingly.

"We should be back in an hour or so," he said after pulling back. "Then I can help with anything you need."

"I'll keep that in mind," I said, making him chortle again before giving me one last kiss.

"I love you," he said with one foot out the door.

"I love you, too," I replied, smiling widely. He showed me a smile in return and then followed the others outside, phasing as soon as he got off the porch. I smiled to myself as I walked toward the kitchen, only to be stopped in my tracks by a displeased Baekhyun. "Hi, Baek," I said calmly and slowly. "How are you?"

"Pissed," he said, one hand on his hip. "Why did you let Kai propose to you? This was not part of the plan that I spent days perfecting may I add!" I sighed and walked past him, heading for the coffee pot.

"I don't know why he did honestly," I said, shrugging as I took a cup out of the cupboard. "Maybe he just thought that it was a better time than the time you originally planned."

"How can proposing to you at a random moment be better than proposing to you during your valedictorian speech?" he said, making me turn around and face him.

"He was gonna do that?" I asked, my mouth gaped open a bit.

"Yes, that's what we discussed, but apparently he didn't like that plan anymore," he said.

"Aw, that's so sweet," I cooed. 

"It was so sweet. I can't believe he went back on the plan," he groaned as he plopped in a nearby chair. "I had everything planned perfectly and then he just goes and ruins it without my permission."

"Baek, don't be too hard on him," I said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I would have been happy with the whole graduation proposal, yeah, but he could have proposed to me anywhere and I would have still been happy."

He looked at me, sighing and nodding. "I guess you're right," he admitted. "After all, we are werewolves and Fate knows that we can't plan anything without it going awry somehow." I laughed and sat in the chair next to him. "Can I still help you plan the wedding?" he asked, curling his bottom lip over a little.

"Of course," I answered without thought. "I wouldn't want this wedding to happen without your help." He smiled contently and hugged me tightly, pulling back after a few seconds.

"So, how did he do it?" he asked as he placed his hands on top of mine, which were now resting in my lap.

"He just came downstairs before dinner and asked me to marry him," I said. "It sounds lame, I know, but if you were there you would have cried, too."

"Aw, I just love you guys," he said, pulling me in for one more hug. "Now, enough lovey dovey. We have a wedding to plan and not much time to do it." 


Jongin and I stayed for dinner after they came back from a successful hunt and we left once the clock was nearing nine o'clock.

"Ugh," I groaned when we walked inside, immediately taking my shoes off and throwing them to the side. "I am so tired. Whoever thought that planning a wedding was so exhausting?"

"Do you want to unwind and take a nice, hot bath?" Jongin asked me, his arms going around my waist. "I'm sure it would make you feel better."

"Mmm," I hummed in response. "That would be perfect."

He smiled and kissed my forehead tenderly. "A hot bath it is then," he said, taking back his arms. "I'll go get the water running. I'll call you when it's ready."

"Okay," I said, smiling faintly as I watched him walked past me and up the stairs. He could tell that I was looking at him and glanced back at me, a smile occupying his lips that only made mine widen. I sighed in total content. 

I don't know when or why Fate decided to be nice to me, but I definitely think that It made the right choice.


So, this was more of a filler before the wedding happens, which will most likely be in the next chapter unless I change my mind. But that isn't likely, therefore I won't be posting any one shots tomorrow since tomorrow's chapter will be long. Look forward to it! :)

As usual, thanks for reading and likes and comments are always appreciated! Until next time! <3

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