Chapter Thirty-Eight | Honeymoon Surprise

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Kyungsoo's POV

"Okay, is it some sort of cruise?"


"Is it in the countryside?"


"Is it on a mountain?"

"God, no."

I groaned loudly in frustration. "Why can't you tell me where we're going?" I whined and pouted cutely, moving my previously thrown back head back to its previous position.

"Because," he said with a satisfied grin painted on his lips. "I can't. It's a surprise."

"But I don't even like surprises," I said, earning an amused laugh from him. 

"Is that a fact?" he said as he glanced at me, the tone in his voice suggesting that he wasn't convinced.

"It is," I said. "A very true one at that."

"I'm sure it is," he said, still grinning with his eyes focused strictly on the road. I sighed in frustration, letting some silence pass before turning to him and speaking up again.

"One more guess," I said, holding up my index finger. "Just give me one more guess and then I promise I'll stop."

He chuckled and glanced at me again. "Go ahead, but you won't get it," he replied with a faint shake of his head.

"Try me," I said, earning a louder laugh from him. "Okay, let me think about this carefully. We just got off of a plane, so it's obviously in another country."

"Yes," he answered. I clapped my hands victoriously, already starting to picture all the possible places we could be going.

"Is it Hawaii?" I asked with hopeful eyes.

"You said one guess, so one guess is all you get."

"Ugh," I groaned loudly, plopping back in my seat. "I can't believe I married a jerk."

"Oh, come on, babe," he said as he laughed and ruffled the hair on top of my head. "Just lighten up and trust me on this one. You're going to love it, I promise."

"Yeah, well, we'll see about that," I said with a small pout on my lips, making him laugh once again. We kept driving for a few more miles until we approached a building that appeared to be some sort of garage where there was another car parked outside. It was as black as the night and was longer compared to mine, but it wasn't as long as a limousine might be. "Don't tell me this where we're spending our honeymoon?" I asked in a repulsive tone of voice, my face scrunched up slightly.

"No, this isn't the surprise," he said as he put the car in park and turned it off, clicking off his seat belt afterward. "This is just our transportation to the surprise."

"Then why bother renting a car?" I asked. "Was one car not enough for you?"

He chortled. "Stop asking questions and come on," he said, getting out of the car and taking our things out of the backseat. I let out a small whine and then took my seat belt off, getting out of the car and following after him.

"Hey, Kai," some guy said as he walked over to us. "It's been a while. How have you been?"

"Pretty good, Josh. How about you?" Jongin replied, shaking his hand. "How are your parents?"

"Good, everyone's good. Everything is ready to go. My mom spent the whole weekend fixing everything up. She was ecstatic when I told her you called," he said. Jongin chuckled before starting to get the bags out of the trunk. The guy helped Jongin move them to the other car.

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