Chapter Thirty-One | For Being You

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Baekhyun's POV

I woke up earlier than I normally would have on a weekend day, leaving Chanyeol alone in my room to sleep in a bit longer. In the fifteen or so minutes of my solitude that passed, I brewed a pot of coffee that it would hopefully last the morning. I poured myself a cup and then heard the front door open. D.O walked in wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a random t-shirt that most likely belonged to Kai.

"I smelled coffee," he said as his steps drew closer to me, making me chuckle a little. "Is there any left?"

"Yeah, there's plenty. I just made it," I replied, pointing back to the coffee maker.

"Yay." He clapped his hands and scurried into the kitchen in a rather cute way, grabbing a cup from the cupboard before pouring himself some. 

"So," I said, letting my voice trail off as I set my cup down, "how many times did you and Kai do it last night?" He just looked at me with a slightly offended face, placing his cup down as well.

"Only once, if you must know," he replied.

"Yeah, okay, like I'm going to believe that," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Okay...maybe it was more like five times," he said, scrunching his face up and lifting up the cup again, only to stop halfway and narrow his eyes. "Or was it six...?" he said, his eyes directed at the ceiling as if it was going to give him an answer. He batted his hands and shook his head faintly. "I don't know," he said before he took a sip. "I lost count after the third time honestly."

"Geez," I commented. "I guess it's true what they say about newborn energy." He just smiled proudly, earning another laugh from me.

"Is Chanyeol still asleep?" he asked, looking around a bit before his eyes landed on me.

"Yeah, he was pretty upset after the funeral yesterday, so I figured it was best to let him relax," I answered.

He nodded sympathetically. "I would have gone to pay my respects, but I lost all the respect I had for that man the day that he tried to kill Jongin."

"Can't argue with that," I said with a single nod. Before either of us could speak again, the door clicked open again, this time revealing a clearly exhausted Kai, the sight making both D.O.and I burst out in laughter. "Long night, huh, Kai?" I said as I tried to hold back my laughs long enough to speak properly, which made us laugh even more in the end.

He glared at me and sat down next to D.O. "This isn't funny," he said. "I don't think I'll be able to have sex again for at least a month."

"No, no, that won't work," D.O said as he shook his head. "You know what the vet said, I'll be going into heat soon, so you better rehabilitate by then." I let out another loud laugh as D.O. patted Kai's hands, which was now laying flat on the table.

"I thought this was supposed to make my life better," Kai mumbled as he dragged his hands down his tired face. D.O cleared his throat and looked at Kai with an unappeased manner. Kai chuckled nervously and said, "I mean, I can't believe how much better my life has gotten. I love you."

"Yeah, sure," D.O said, taking another drink out of the cup. "You think that you're tired now, but I still got all this newborn energy wear off." I saw Kai sigh and I couldn't help but laugh at them. I took another cup out of the cabinet and poured some coffee into it.

"Well," I said as I carefully picked up both cups. "I better go check on Chanyeol. Please don't do anything you wouldn't do in a large crowd while I'm gone."

"I don't have that much energy," D.O said. I just laughed and headed up the stairs cautiously so I wouldn't spill anything. The door was still ajar, so I was able to push it open with my foot. Quietly, I walked over to the desk and set the cups down. He let out a few groans a minute or so later, as I was in the process of tidying up my room a little, and I looked over right as he was opening his eyes.

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