Chapter Sixty-Three | Safe and Sound

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Jongin's POV

Since none of us knew where we were going, we followed Joonmyun hyung to this cabin. It took exactly three days for us to get there and that included making occasional stops to rest and refuel for a few hours. When we reached our destination, it was no surprise to see that the cabin was luxurious in appearance, that is considering Joonmyun hyung's family owned it.

"Damn," Chen said as once we were back in our human forms, crossing his arms over his chest as he observed the house. "Remind me again how your family doesn't own the entire Korean Peninsula." Joonmyun hyung and a few others chuckled in response to Kris' comment. "Seriously, though, how rich is your family?"

"We're not that rich," Joonmyun hyung said, stopping for a moment to look at the cabin. "We just save our money meticulously." Right after he finished talking, the car Lay was driving pulled up and we all turned to face it as it came to a stop, Lay getting out once it was off and parked.

"I see you guys beat me here," Lay said as he walked over to us.

"Well, you are kind of a slow driver, babe," Joonmyun hyung said with a faint smile on his face.

"I am not a slow driver," Lay said, "I'm a cautious driver. There is a difference." Joonmyun hyung just chuckled and pecked a kiss on Lay's cheek. "Come on inside," Joonmyun hyung said, letting out a stray laugh prior to taking Lay's hand and heading for the stairs. He opened the door for us and let us all walk in before him. "There should be enough rooms for all of us to pair up, but if not the couch pulls out into a bed," he explained once we were all inside, staying by the door in order to hold it open for us.

"This is so cool," Sehun said, being the last one to walk in. "Thanks for letting us stay here, hyung."

"No need to thank me," Joonmyun hyung said simply in reply. "Before we all get settled in, we should go over the plan once more." We nodded in agreement and some of us sat on the couch while others stood around it. Lay handed Joonmyun hyung the map and he laid it out on the coffee table, using his hands to flatten it out a bit before clearing his throat and beginning to speak. 

"Xiumin and Tao will go to where Yongguk later tonight and leave him a note saying that we'll meet him right here," he said, pointing to the open field on the map before glancing back at me. "Then, assuming that he agrees to meet us, we will go here in our human forms and try to come up with some sort of treaty between us and get Zelo back. But no matter what he says or does to try and provoke you, do not phase. We didn't come here to fight a war with them, we came to make peace, ensure Zelo's safety and leave. Everyone understand?" All of us nodded our heads in agreement and in understanding. "Good," he said with a light sigh and a nod. "We all know how unpredictable this pack is, but the most important thing to remember regardless of what happens is that we protect each other and do everything in our power to make sure that all of us make it back home safely."


That night after cleaning off, I stepped out on the balcony off of the room I shared with Chanyeol and called Kyungsoo at home. "Nini." When I heard the sound of his deep yet soft voice, I smiled and sighed in some sort of relief. 

"Hey, baby," I said, leaning down on the wooden railings. "How are you?"

"As good as I can be, I guess," he replied, letting out a gust of air that was muffled by the phone. "I miss you."

"I miss you, too," I said in a soft voice, the smile on my face widening.

"I'm assuming you got there safely then?"

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