Chapter Ten | A New Life

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Luhan's POV

Sehun thought it would be a good idea if he took back to his house and introduced me to the rest of the pack. I was nervous to meet the others. What if they didn't like me? Sehun kept telling me that they were the nicest creatures he had ever met, so I had nothing to worry about. I really did like Sehun, despite what other people might say about love and how it takes time to truly love someone. As far as I was concerned, I had already fallen in love with him. So, I trusted him.

We arrived at the house and my mouth gaped open at how beautiful it was. It looked like one of those houses that are in those home magazines that my mother loved to read so much. On the outside of the bigger houses, I saw a few houses scattered here and there in the distance.

"What are those things around the house?" He looked to where I was pointing and was quick to reply.

"Those are houses for the ones that have already mated," he said. "Joonmyun hyung said that it would be nice for them to have their privacy."

"And Joonmyun is...?" I said.

"Our alpha. He's really nice and very generous. I think you'll like him," he said. "Come on, I want the others to meet you," he said eagerly, taking hold of my hand and practically dragging me inside.

"Hyungs, I'm back and there's someone I want you to meet!" he shouted as soon as we entered and took our shoes off, leaving them by the front door. A few moments later, I saw all these guys appear from different areas of the house, their eyes burning into my skin. I moved closer to Sehun and wrapped my arms around his arm and he just laughed, patting my head as he said, "Don't be scared, Lu. They won't bite." I just kind of looked at him, silently commending him for his choice of words.

"Sehun-ah," one guy said, his voice startling me and making me jump a little. "Who is this?"

"This is Luhan, my forever mate," Sehun said, escaping my grasp and putting his arm around my shoulder instead. The unfamiliar face looked at me and I could feel his eyes scanning over me as carefully those security procedures at the airports.

"You imprinted? When?" another guy asked, making both Sehun and I turn our heads.

"Today," Sehun replied enthusiastically. "I know it's a little soon and that we should probably wait, but I really like him already, hyung," he added, putting his attention back on the guy who was talking before. "I wish you could have felt the way I felt when I imprinted, the connection I was so strong. Hyung, I really do think I love him." I could feel tears burning in my eyes as I listened to Sehun's words. 

"Sehun, what are you rambling on for?" the guy said, a faint smile on his lips as he walked closer to his. "If you imprinted then there's no need to convince us that he's the one. If Fate says so, it must be true." Sehun smiled a little as he patted his shoulder, taking a few steps backward after.

"But is he okay with know...secret?" another guy asked.

"Oh yeah, he's cool," Sehun said. "Like surprisingly cool actually."

"U-Uh...what he means is that I find your kind to be so fascinating," I said, speaking my first words. "Ever since I saw The Wolf man when I was young I was hooked on werewolves." They all laughed a little in response.

"Well, in that case, welcome to the pack Luhan," the other guy said. "I'm Joonmyun and this is my mate Lay." A guy standing a few feet behind him waved and I just smiled softly. Then, he went around and introduced me to everyone else. "That's Tao and his four kids, and over there is Chen and his mate Xiumin."

"It really is a dream come true to be able to meet you all," I said. "This is the best moment of my whole entire life."

"Well, get ready because once you're one of us, you got a whole other life to look forward to," he said. Sehun looked at me and smiled.

"Come on, Lu," he said as he took hold of my hand. "I'll show you the upstairs." I said goodbye to them quickly and followed Sehun up the stairs, where I later saw other rooms. "This one is my room," Sehun said, pointing to one of the white doors. "Then that one is Baekhyun hyung's room. You remember him, right? He was the one that was with me today."

"Oh, yeah, I remember," I said, nodding my head.

"And then the one at the very end is Kai's room," he said. "He says I'm not allowed to go in there or else he'll choke me with a noose, but he's all bark and no bite. Plus, I get the feeling he'll become a little softer now that he's imprinted on D.O hyung." My smile faded and my eyes widened when I caught the last part of his sentence.

"Wait what?" I said. I had to make sure I heard him right.

"Kai imprinted on D.O. It was on the first day of school actually, so they must really be soul mates," he said.

"Kai imprinted on D.O?" I asked again in absolute disbelief.

"Uh huh." Sehun nodded as if it was no big news to him.

"I can't believe this," I said, shaking my head.

"Why is it so hard to believe?" Sehun asked me.

"No reason really, it's just that D.O. is a total skeptic of things like this," I explained.

"Oh no, that's not good," Sehun said, looking as if he was starting to panic. "That's not good at all."

"How come?" I questioned.

"I suppose you already know this, but when a werewolf imprints, they only have so much time to mate with that person before they..." He stopped talking and gulped hard, finding the next words difficult to say.

"Before they die," I said, finishing it for him. "I remember reading that somewhere."

"Yeah," he said.

"Well, maybe D.O. will come around, you never know," I said in an attempt to try and calm him. "Kai might be the one to change his mind."

"I sure hope so," Sehun said with a somber sigh. "I understand why he was so upset about it now, but still...I don't think I could handle seeing Kai die."

"I'm sure he won't. Soo will come around, I know he will. I mean, he already said he likes him, so that's got to be a good sign," I said, walking up to him and taking hold of his hands. "I'm sure everything will work out the way it is supposed to." He smiled faintly and nodded his head, sighing again.

"You're right," he said. I smiled slightly at him as well and leaned up before pecking his lips with a kiss. "What do you say I give you a tour of my room?" he said after the kiss was over, his voice huskier and his eyes filling with lust.

"I think I'd like that a lot," I said in a softer voice. He let go of one of my hands and quickly pulled me into his bedroom. As soon as he kissed me again, this time more passionately, I realized that it was the beginning of a new life for me.


I'll leave you with a cliffhanger because I love you all so much. 

This is early since I have to leave soon for my science project presentation. I'm super nervous, so wish me luck!

Thanks for reading and I would love it if you left a like and a comment before you go! <3

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