Chapter Twenty-Eight | Making Amends

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Jongin's POV

I paced the waiting room at the vet's office. Both my mind and heart were filled with worry and my thoughts kept making me feel doubtful. What if I bit him in the wrong place? What if I bit him too hard or for too long? What if I gave him too much venom and killed him? Somehow, all of the worst-case scenarios seemed to appear in my mind as I waited.

When the vet came out of the examination room, I instantly walked over to him, my steps rushed and anxious. "Well?" I asked as we both came to a stop. "How is he? Will he be alright? Did I hurt him?"

He chuckled, patting my shoulder a little, as he said, "Kai, you can calm down. D.O. will be just fine." I let out a big sigh in relief when he said that, literally feeling the weight of the world fall off my shoulders. "From what I can see, everything is going as it should. The venom is working its way through his body as we speak, so I think in a couple weeks he will be good as new."

"Oh, good," I said, letting my body sink down a bit. "I thought I did something wrong and screwed everything up."

"Well, you didn't," he said with a smile. "You did everything right. Now all there is to do is wait patiently."

I smiled a little and nodded my head. "So, is it okay if I take him home?" I asked. "If not, I won't mind coming here every day."

"No, I think he can leave," he said as he nodded and looked back in the direction of the room. "I know he'll be in good hands with Lay there. Just make sure to call me if anything out of ordinary happens, okay? And make sure he still gets fluids every day. We wouldn't any complications to come up because of that. When he's up, I will come over and check on him."

"Okay, thank you so much," I said, earning a warm smile from him.

"Here, I'll show you back," he said, nudging his head slightly. I followed him back to the room and he opened the creaking door, revealing a sleeping Kyungsoo. I don't know how he did it, but somehow he managed to look beautiful even when he wasn't conscious. "I'm guessing you'll be teleporting home, then," the vet said, his voice catching my attention.

"You guessed right," I said, making him chuckle as I walked over to the bed-like structure and lifted Kyungsoo onto my back. After a few adjustments, I said goodbye to the vet and then took us both home in a matter of seconds. I carried him up the front steps and inside, only to be greeted by a worried Baekhyun.

"How is he doing?" he asked, his eyes on Kyungsoo but his voice aimed at me.

"He's fine," I said. "The vet said he'll be up in a couple of weeks."

"Oh, good," he said, lightly touching his hand, which was draped over my shoulder. Then, out of nowhere, I saw Chanyeol appear from upstairs, the sight of him instantly making my blood come to a boil.

"What's he doing here?" I asked Baekhyun, not caring if he heard me.

Baekhyun glanced back at him before saying, "He came here after you left for the dance. He had nowhere else to go, Kai, and he was scared. I couldn't turn him down and tell him to leave. That wouldn't have been right."

I sighed. "Whatever," I said. "You do whatever you want. I'm gonna go put him in bed." I hiked Kyungsoo up on my back more once I felt him start to fall off and I walked past Chanyeol, not even sparing him a glance. 

Okay, sure he didn't kill me like he was supposed to, but that wasn't why I had a grudge against him. He fooled the people I care about right before their eyes. The way I saw it, if he wanted the least bit of respect out of me, he would have to prove that he could be trusted.

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