Chapter Forty-Seven | A New Little Pup

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Kyungsoo's POV

An hour had went by since Jongin and I arrived back from our appointment at the vet. We were pleased to find out that everything was still okay and that our little baby girl was still growing healthily. There was still a couple weeks until I was supposed to be due, but he told us that anything could happen, so we should take extra caution.

"You know what I just realized?" he asked me as we lay on the couch in perfect silence, his hand resting comfortably on my stomach.

"What?" I replied, lightly brushing his hair with my fingers.

"We still haven't decided what her name is going to be," he said, glancing down at my baby bump before meeting my eyes.

"Oh, that's right," I said, rubbing my free hand against it. "What do you think we should call her?"

"I haven't really thought about it," he admitted. "What about Minji?"

"That's pretty, I guess," I said, trying to think of names myself.

"Or Jihye," he said. "Or Soojin. I like that one. What do you think?"

"I was thinking something different and unique," I said. "You know, like an English name or something."

"I like that idea," he said, nodding his head in agreement as he sat up a bit more.

I chuckled. "Yeah, it would," I said. "Isabelle is a pretty name. I've always liked that name."

"Her nickname could be Belle then," he said, making me nod. I hummed in agreement.

"Oh," I said as a the perfect name popped in my head.

"What?" he asked with slightly knitted eyebrows. "Did you think of something?"

"Yeah," I said with a wide smile. "Lily."

"Lily?" he said.

"Lily," I said with a few nods of my head, still smiling. "Don't you like it? Is it too weird?"

"No, it's not weird at all," he said as his lips curled into a smile, shaking his head. "It's beautiful. I love it."

I smiled brightly at him. "Kim Lily," I said. "It does have a ring to it. I think that's the one. Lily."

"Lily it is then," he said before coming closer and connecting our lips in a tender kiss. 


 Joonmyun and Lay were hosting dinner at the main house a few nights later. Everyone was gushing over the kids, who were just starting to discover their curiosity. 

"Ugh," Baekhyun groaned while rubbing his face briefly. "Just be happy you're only having one kid. I'm never going to get my body back." We all laughed at him while he pouted.

"Well at least they're cute," Luhan said as he watched Chanyeol and Xiumin playing with them in the living room. 

"They'd be a whole lot cuter if they actually slept," he replied, glancing over there too. Luhan and I laughed and just as I was about to say something else, I felt a sharp and abrupt pain attack my stomach from the inside. My first thought told me that it was just the baby kicking, but I knew that that couldn't possibly be it unless she suddenly put on a pair of shoes with spikes on it.

"Soo, are you okay?" Jongin asked as he rushed over to me, placing his hand on my bent over back. Everyone's attention was now on me as the pain continued.

"I don't know. I think something is wrong," I said in an airy voice, wincing when another jolt of pain hit me. "It feels like kicking but a lot worse."

"It's probably contractions," Lay said as he walked closer to me. 

"B-But I'm not due for another week or so," I said, starting to feel more worried. 

"It doesn't always mean you're going into labor, but we should get you to the office just in case," he said. I looked at Jongin and could tell he was just as scared as I was. "Joon, go pull the car around. Kai, go pack whatever you guys will need. We'll meet you over there."

He nodded and was about to walk away when I stopped him by grabbing his hand. "Everything will be okay, right?" I said, a few nervous tears entering my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sure everything is fine," he said, holding my hand back and trying to comfort me even though I knew how anxious he was feeling, too. "Just go with Lay. I won't be far behind." 

I nodded and then he teleported back to our house. Lay helped me up from the chair and he and Xiumin walked me out to the car where Joonmyun was waiting. Once, I was safely inside, they hopped in and then we took off toward the vet.


I bet you can guess what the next chapter will be about, so I won't even try to spoil it.

Thanks so much for reading and please fell free to vote and comment your thought below! Until tomorrow! <3

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