Chapter Thirty-Seven | The Big Day

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Jongin's POV

Morning sunlight invaded the bedroom, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut just as I was starting to wake up. Sitting up and yawning, I rubbed my eyes with my fists and looked around groggily, my vision slightly blurred still from being shut for so long. As soon as my vision became clearer after a few blinks, I instantly noticed that I was alone in the bedroom, as Kyungsoo's usual spot on the left side of the bed was empty. One of the sleeves of his shirt was hanging over the laundry basket, so I knew that he had already gotten up and ready. Just as I was about to rise as well I heard an all too familiar voice coming from the hallway.

"Good morning, groom-to-be!" Sehun said loudly. Great, I thought to myself. Just the person I wanted to see. "Oh, there you are, hyung," he said, bursting through the bedroom door with Luhan behind him, who just settled with a small wave as a greeting. "I heard that, by the way, jerk." I snickered as I moved to the edge of the bed, cracking my cramped neck. "So, today's the big day! By this time tomorrow, you will be a married man. How are you feeling?"

"Good, I guess," I said with a brief shrug of my shoulders. "I know this was all my idea, but I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that this is actually happening."

"I know, right? Who would have thought? Someone actually wanting to marry you," Sehun said. I glared and threw a pillow at his head. 

"Anyway, where's Kyungsoo at?" I asked, standing up afterward.

"Baekhyun and Tao already stole him away," Luhan answered. "It's only tradition to keep the grooms separate before the wedding. We wouldn't want to break tradition now, would we?"

"Of course not," I said with a few sarcastic nods of my head, getting a small laugh from both of them.

"Oh no," Sehun gasped as he looked at the time on his phone. "Baekhyun is going to kill me if we don't get downstairs. He's acting so stressed about a wedding that isn't even his own."

"Well, then we better go. I really don't want anyone being murdered on my wedding day,"  I said, getting a chuckle from Luhan. "I'll meet you guys down there." 

I got out of bed after they left the house and made a quick trip to the bathroom. I threw a shirt and some pants on before I headed over to the main house. Everyone was up and helping out with decorations and getting the backyard ready for the ceremony and reception.

"No," Baekhyun groaned in frustration. "Chen, I told you a million times to not put too many flowers on the tables! Our guests don't need a bunch of flower petals on their food." I laughed at him.

"Here's our second groom. I told you he'd be here on time," Sehun said to Baekhyun.

"Good," Baekhyun replied, apparently not catching the joke. "At least someone is on task this--Kai! What the hell are you wearing right now?!"

"Uh..." I said as I glanced down at myself. "Pajamas...?"

"Are you fucking with me right now?!" he yelled, the volume of his voice making me flinch a little. "You are getting married in less than twelve hours and you're still wearing pajamas?!"

"But I just woke up," I said with slightly narrowed eyes. "Unless you wanted me to sleep in my tux and get it all wrinkly."

He sent me a glare. "Shut up and go dress in something more suitable for working," he said as he practically pushed me back toward my house.

"Wait, you're making me help set up my own wedding?" I asked once I was able to turn around and face him.

"Yes, I am," he said. "We are a few hands short, which means that you two need to contribute, too!" he explained, shouting back at Sehun and Luhan, who gave him a quick nod and thumbs up before disappearing. "Besides, it's the least you can do after going back on our original plan," he said once he was facing me again.

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