Chapter Forty-Nine | Your New Home

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Kyungsoo's POV

Over the next few days, the vet made Lily and I stay at the hospital for observation. He said that even though it had been over a year since I was first turned, the fact that I was once human could cause complications for me, so he wanted to check up on me before sending us home. 

She was growing little by little every day, too. She was still small, but she was now starting to experiment with walking, though she couldn't get very far without eventually getting tired. I was worried that she because she was born prematurely, her development would be negatively affected, but the vet assured me that everything was looking normal and once she phased for the first time things would start to level out.

As much as he fought me on it, Jongin didn't stay with us the whole time. After a lot of persuasion, he finally agreed to go home and get some proper rest, as well as finish putting the final touches on her room. But, no matter what day it was, he would always come to visit first thing in the morning.

Sometimes when he would come back from getting lunch, he would play with her while I rested. Seeing how much he enjoyed being around her and how much she loved being with him made me happy. She was definitely going to be a daddy's girl.

"Are you sure that you have everything?" the nurse asked me as I was packing my things to go home. I looked around the room I had been in for the past week for a silent moment and then nodded my head.

"Yeah, I think so," I replied with a smile that she returned. I thanked her before she left and went back to packing. Right as I was finishing, a small knock vibrated the door, causing my head to turn and look at it when the vet walked in wearing a smile. "Good afternoon," I said as I spun myself around so that I was facing him completely.

"Good afternoon, D.O," he said as the door clicked shut. "How are you feeling today? Still no irregular pains or soreness?"

"Nope," I said, shaking my head. "I still feel a little sore whenever I go to get up from a chair or from bed, but other than that I feel fine."

"Good, well that's normal. Nothing some Tylenol won't help," he said, briefly batting his hand before writing some notes down. "Alright, I'll just need you to sign off here, so that I can add this to your medical records," he said as he walked over to me and handed me the clipboard and a pen.

"Okay," I said as I took the pen and signed on the thick, black line he pointed out to me.

"And then, here for Lily," he said, flipping back the top page and revealing the next. I signed there, too and then he looked over everything once more before clicking his pen shut and setting the clipboard on the table. "I'll be sending her birth certificate to you once I get it back and by that time, she should have phased, so you'll have to come in and get her prints done," he explained as I nodded my head in understanding. "In addition, you'll have to notify me when she does turn so that we can schedule a checkup and then she should come in every six months or so after that depending on her current health. Otherwise, I'd say you two are all ready to go home."

"Thank you so much for everything," I said, shaking his hand. "You definitely made this whole process a lot easier."

"Well, when you've been working with werewolves for over twenty years, you kind of get used to making things easy," he said, emitting a small chuckle from me. Jongin walked in a few seconds later and Lily ran in as soon as the opening in the door was big enough for her to fit in.

"You ready to go?" he asked. "I've got the car parked outside."

"Yeah, I am," I replied, giving him a faint small. I went over to the bed and grabbed my belongings before handing them off to Jongin so that I could carry Lily. "Thank you again," I said to the vet once she was in my arms, fidgeting around a little.

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