Chapter Forty-Eight | Welcome to the World

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Jongin's POV

Kyungsoo was already back in one of the delivery rooms by the time I made it to the hospital, so I just walked right back there. Xiumin and Joonmyun were outside and Lay was in there with the vet. 

"How far apart would you say these pains are?" the vet asked as I walked in the room.

"I'm not sure," Kyungsoo started, wincing from the pain. "Every few minutes or so would be my guess." 

He nodded his head. "Definitely sounds like you're in labor," he said. "We're a little ahead of schedule, so we'll need to proceed with caution." 

As he began to prepare for the delivery, I walked over to Kyungsoo and immediately grab hold of his hand. He looked up at me, his face already beginning to sweat. 

"J-Jongin..." he started to say before he winced again. "I-It hurts so bad...I don't think I can make it through this." A few tears were rimming in his eyes, letting out unsteady breaths.

"I know it hurts, baby, you can and will make it through this," I said, cupping one side of his face with my hand. "I believe in you and the entire pack does, too. I know it hurts like hell, but you are strong." He barely got a nod in before his face scrunched up in pain

"Okay, D.O," he said in a comforting voice as he made sure that the plastic gloves were securely on his hands, "I'm going to need you to remain as calm as possible, alright?" Kyungsoo nodded his head, his hand squeezing mine tightly. Then, the vet walked over to the table diagonal from where we were and grabbed a needle that was filled with some sort of clear liquid.

"What is that?" I asked in caution for Kyungsoo.

"This will help him phase without causing any damage to the baby," he answered. "There are some sedatives in here, so it will also serve as a sort of painkiller." I briefly nodded and then he walked back over to us. "This might pinch a little, but it will only last for a moment," he said to Kyungsoo as he turned over his arm so that he could see his veins.

"Jongin," he said in a barely audible voice, turning his head up so he could see me. "Please stay with me. Please don't leave."

"I won't, baby," I said as I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I'll be right here the whole time." He smiled faintly and then hesitantly let go of my hand, giving the vet the okay to continue. He aimed the sharp, metal needle at a vein and slowly pushed it past the thin barrier that was Kyungsoo's skin, making his face flinch slightly. Empty all of the substance into him, the vet pulled it out and laid the needle and empty syringe back on the metal table. Within the next few seconds, I saw Kyungsoo's body transform into a wolf, now laying on his side but still heaving.

"Alright then," he said with a light sigh, putting the needle back. "Let's deliver this baby."

The next two hours consisted of lots of pushing and dire yelps from Kyungsoo, each ear piercing sound he made acting like knives that repeatedly stabbed my heart. I stayed with him the whole time and put all my focus into consoling him through the process.

"Come on, D.O, you can do this," the vet said. "Just a few more pushes, just give me a few more pushes." Kyungsoo let out a pain stricken whine, his eyes temporarily falling shut.

"You're okay, baby," I said softly to him, gently petting his head. "I'm right here. You'll be okay. It's almost over." He took a few more deep but short breaths before pinching his eyes shut and pushing again, releasing another heart-wrenching lament.

"I can see the head," the vet said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Just a few more, come on." 

Kyungsoo pushed again and again and soon I saw his body sink down in relief, telling me that the baby was finally out. The nurse handed him a small, yellow blanket, which he then used to wrap the squirming baby in. "Here she is," the vet said as he carried her over to me. I couldn't help but smile when I saw just how tiny she was, her dark fur dampened and a few spots of blood on her.

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