Chapter Twenty-Four | A Fishy Apology

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Chanyeol's POV

"Remember what we discussed yesterday," my grandfather said to me as I stretched the seat belt across my chest and clicked it in place. "We are so close to getting rid of them for good this time, Chanyeol. I'm trusting you with this. If you can do this, you'll be ready to take over the family business."

"Yes, grandpa," I said with a nod, mentally sighing. He took his hands on the ledge of the rolled-down window and stepped back, moving next to my dad. "Bye, dad," I said as I turned the key in the ignition, making the engine roar as the car started.

"See ya," he replied, giving me a small wave before I put the car in drive and started down the road that would take me to school. 

As I drove, all I could think of was what my grandfather had told me the day before. My dad and I tried to keep our investigations on the pack discreet, but somehow he managed to find them and he had already come up with a plan of attack.


"But, grandpa, I don't know if I can do that," I said, using an excuse to not follow through with his orders.

"Sure you can, Chanyeol," he said emotionlessly, cleaning off his favorite gun with a small rag that was stained with little dabs of black. "It's only a couple of shots. It'll be simple if you make it simple."

"But I've never shot one of those guns before," I said. "I wouldn't know how to use it."

"Oh, come on, it's easy," he said, batting his hand and walking over to me. "It's just like using any other gun, but inside is a silver bullet instead of a lead one. With a single silver bullet, you can kill any werewolf. Now, hold onto this and get used to holding it. It's a little heavier, but you're strong enough." He handed me the long rifle and I almost dropped it because I wasn't expecting it to be that heavy.

"Why do I have to do it?" I asked. "You and dad are better at this than I am. Besides, maybe they aren't bad at all. I mean, I know what happened to grandma, but maybe that was just one werewolf. The ones I saw...they haven't even tried to hurt anyone."

"Yet," he said, looking me in the eyes with a sort of demanding look in his eyes. "Chanyeol, don't let them fool you into thinking that they're peaceful. They have anger and wrath toward humans and will do anything to get their nasty paws on you. And as long as you are a member of this family, you are not to trust them, not even one." 

There was something about the stern tone in his voice that made me feel truly afraid of him for the first time. It seemed like he had more wrath and anger toward them than he accused them of having. 

"O-Okay," I said in a trembling voice. "I guess I can try."

"Good," he said, putting on a smile and patting my back. "For now, you just get one of them into the woods and we'll take care of the rest, alright? You injure one of them, it'll draw out the whole pack."

"Got it," I replied with a heavy sigh.

"Let's practice using this bad boy," he said, changing the subject back to the rifle. Hesitantly, I picked it up and aimed it at the wooden target he had set up. Then, taking a deep breath and gulping, I pulled back the trigger and the bullet flew out at the speed of light, fracturing the wood like a knife cutting into flesh.

Over the past few days, I thought a lot about what Kyungsoo said to me and I was starting to think that he was right. I mean, if Kai did have cruel intentions for being with him, he would have done something by now. Plus, why would he imprint on him if all he wanted to do was kill him? 

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