Chapter Forty-Four | A Family of Our Own

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Jongin's POV

When I woke up and found that I was alone in bed, I figured Kyungsoo was either downstairs already. His spirits had been gradually rising and I think he was finally starting to accept that we were basically powerless against Fate. I think helping Baekhyun and Chanyeol was doing him a lot of good, although I was a little worried about it when he first told me. But whatever he was doing, I was just happy that it was making him smile more. 

Once I got up and put a shirt on, I placed my hand on the metal doorknob to and hadn't even opened the bathroom door fully when I heard quiet, muffled sobs coming from inside. Instantly worried, I didn't waste a second and pushed the door open to find him sitting on the floor with his face in his hands. 

"Soo?" I said in a soft yet concerned voice as I knelt in front of him. "Baby, what's wrong?" He picked his head up and looked at me with tear-stained eyes once he noticed me.

"J-Jongin..." he said as he let out another sob, which ended up coming out more like an airy laugh. "I-I'm pregnant."

"What?" I said in a barely audible voice, feeling my heart come to a screeching halt from inside my chest. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious," he said as he laughed a little. "Look for yourself." He pointed to the pregnancy test on the floor in front of him and I bent over to pick it up before standing up straight and flipping it to the right side. A smile instantly spread across my lips when I saw those two lines sitting side by side and I kept my eyes on it for a few seconds before looking back at him. "It finally worked, Jongin. We're going to have a baby," he said before inhaling a sharp breath and wiping the rims of his eyes. I could feel tears begin to sting my eyes as the words soaked into my skin.

I moved closer to him, taking him tightly into my arms. "I told you it would happen," I whispered into his ear, his arms now wrapped around my neck. He didn't say anything in reply, but instead let out a few more chuckles and tightened his grip. We stayed like that for awhile before I pulled back from the hug and caressed his face with my hands, wiping away all the tears that had escaped from his eyes. "We should call the vet," I said, letting out a little sniffle myself.

"Yeah," he said as he wiped his eyes once more. "Yeah, we should." I helped him off the ground and put him in my embrace once more, smiling as I kissed the top of his head.


"It's good you called," the vet said as he walked us back to the examination room. "Sometimes those pregnancy tests can be quite misleading in their results." Kyungsoo looked up at me with worried eyes and I just kissed his forehead, softly smiling at him to calm him down. "Alright, D.O, if you would have a seat on the table in there and I will go check on the results," he instructed as he opened the door for us.

"Thanks," I said, glancing at him before he nodded and walked away. Kyungsoo hopped up on the table, making the white paper covering it crinkle.

"What if it didn't really work, Jongin?" he asked, looking at me as I came to a stop beside him. "What if the test was defective or something and gave us the wrong results? You heard him, he said that they can be misleading."

"Baby, don't think like that," I said as I cupped his face in my hands. "It was no coincidence that the test you took came out positive. I'm sure he's going to come back with good news, so stop worrying yourself, okay?"

"Okay, I'll try," he said with a light sigh and a few nods. I kissed his lips quickly but lovingly and held his hand tight as we waited those few minutes for the vet to come back. The door opened and closed briefly once he did return and he went over to sit on his chair with a manilla folder in his hands. Kyungsoo squeezed my hand even more and I let him, rubbing my free hand against his back gently.

"Well," he said as he took one last glance into the folder, setting it down on the desk before looking at us. "All I'll say is that if I were you, I would start thinking of baby names." Kyungsoo sighed heavily in relief, releasing my hand and covering his face with his hands as he lowered his head. "Congratulations. You're only a couple weeks along, but nine months will go by quickly, I promise."

"How long before you'll be able to tell what the sex is?" Kyungsoo asked once he lifted his head back up.

"Oh, I'd say closer to the end of the first trimester," he answered with a faint nod. "But from now on, you have to take extra precautions. No drinking or doing other drugs obviously and try not to lift too much or phase back and forth either, especially once you start showing. I'll schedule your appointments for three times a month until you go into labor so that we can make sure everything is on point. We'll make sure we do everything we can so you can deliver a healthy baby, okay?"

"Got it," Kyungsoo said with a bright smile.

"Thank you," I said before I shook his hand.

"Call me if you think anything unusual is happening," he said.

"We will," I said. Then, we said our goodbyes and headed back home to tell everyone the news.


Instead of just telling them directly, Kyungsoo thought it would be a good idea to cook them a nice meal and make a special evening out of it. So, I invited everyone up to the main house for dinner and didn't say a word to them about anything.

"D.O, this is really delicious," Joonmyun hyung commented as he swallowed the bite of food he took.

"Yeah, I'm impressed," Lay added with a smile.

"Thanks," Kyungsoo replied, smiling shyly.

"So," Sehun said as he sat back in his seat and threw his napkin on the table. "Are you two going to tell us why we're here or do we have to guess? I know it has to be something." Kyungsoo and I looked at each other and he smiled and nodded faintly.

"It's true, we do have some news," I said as I set my napkin down, too. "Some pretty great news actually."

"What is it, what is it?" Luhan said impatiently.

"Do you want to tell them?" I asked him. He just smiled at me silently before opening his mouth to speak.

"Jongin and I..." he started, looking down for a few seconds before lifting his head up. "We're going to have a baby. I'm pregnant." Smiles appeared on their faces and a few seconds of loud cheering and clapping passed.

"When did you find out?" Luhan asked.

"This morning," Kyungsoo replied. "I took a test, but I wanted to be sure, so we went to the vet and he confirmed it."

"That's so great, D.O. Congratulations," Lay said, gently placing his hand on top of Kyungsoo's. 

"I told it would happen if you just waited," Baekhyun said with a playful smile. Kyungsoo laughed and then looked at me, our lips meeting in a sweet kiss. 

I still couldn't believe that this was real, that it was happening. We were finally going to have a family of our own.


See they were tears of joy and not sadness!! I can't believe you guys wouldn't trust me enough to make it good news and not bad news and just because I killed Kai that one time...y'all need to trust me more. But still I loved seeing your reactions in the last chapter!! LOL

Speaking of that book, the writer of the sequel I told you about before messaged me and said that the first chapter is up! I am super excited for it and I definitely recommend that you check it out if you are still internally crying over the ending I came up with. The author is writingrulez  so go to their profile and check it out!

Thanks again for reading and supporting and I hope you liked this chapter! Until next time! <3

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