Chapter Three | My Best Friend and My Ex

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Kyungsoo's POV

My usual morning routine consisted of getting out of the warmth and safety of my bed lazily and getting ready for school dreadfully. Don't get me wrong, I like school. I mean, my so-called friends go there and I do well academically, so that makes it less painful. 

Nope, I couldn't even get that out seriously. I hate my school and everyone in it.

I know what you're thinking, "Wow, what a hateful person." I'll tell you right now, I do not hate everyone. I'm just not a people person. At all. People aren't my specialty and they haven't been for a long time.

People like to run. They always have a tendency to leave unexpectedly and I don't like that. In my personal experience, once people get what they want from me they leave, so why waste time getting close to someone who is only going to leave you later on? But, I guess you can thank my parents for my positive way of thinking since they were the first ones to leave me.

At the moment, there are only two people I can tolerate enough to call my friends: my best friend and my ex-boyfriend. Great pair, right? Luhan, my best friend, is originally from China, but he moved to Korea when he was like five. Back then, I was actually an approachable person, so needless to say we became friends quickly and I've been stuck with him ever since. 

I haven't known my ex, Chanyeol, for nearly as long, but he's a good guy to have around. Despite the fact that he constantly asks me to take him back, he's fun to be around. He's funny and somehow always manages to make me laugh when all I want to do is frown. And anyone who can make you smile is worth keeping around, I guess.

One of the things that annoys me most about Luhan, though, is how he keeps his head in the sky. He's really into fantasy things, you know, like myths and legends and all that shit. Werewolves are by far his favorite. While any other normal high school boy's room is filled with porn magazines, video games, and week-old food, Luhan's has books on werewolf legends and even a wolf calendar.

I personally don't believe in any of that. I think it's a nice sentiment for movies and TV shows, but that's about as far as my interest goes. But at this point in my life, I don't even pay him any mind anymore and just go along with it. That's the only way I can get him to shut up.


After I was dressed for school and had all my supplies with me, I left my house and headed to my car, making sure to lock the door before I headed down the sidewalk. I landed the honorable duty of picking Luhan up from his house everyday and bringing him to school since he refused to learn how to drive. He insists that a car will hold no use in his later life since he thinks some werewolf is gonna come along and turn him into one, too. I won't say what I think about that theory.

I pulled up in front of his house, which was only a few streets over from mine and beeped my horn to let him know that I was there. A minute or two later, I saw him exit the house with his bag hanging over his shoulder and a book in his hand, not an overly surprising picture to see. He opened the car door and sat in the passenger's side, his eyes still glued to the small book with brown covering.

"Good morning, D.O! How are you?" I said sarcastically when he didn't say anything. "Oh, I'm great! Thanks for asking, Luhan!"

"Haha, you're so funny," Luhan said, marking his page before shutting his book and sliding it in his bag. "I was reading if you didn't happen to take notice."

"Yeah, I did," I said with an amused grin on my lips. "What did you discover about werewolves now? That they have magical powers now too?"

"Yah, don't make fun of my hobby," he said, shaking his head at me and making roll my eyes. "And yes, some do have powers, but not all. Depends on what pack you're in. I'm not sure about the pregnancy thing, but I'm sure I'll come upon it soon." I sighed in response to his words. Sometimes I question why I'm still friends with him.

"Whatever wolf boy, just put your seat belt on unless you want to die in a 'tragic car accident'," I said as I put my hands on the keys to turn them.

"God, why are you so violent?" he said, glaring at me as turned to reach for his seat belt. I laughed a little before saying,

"Because that's how much I love you, Lu."

"You love me enough to kill me?" Luhan questioned with raised eyebrows.

"And that right there is true love," I said with a confident nod, turning the key in the ignition and making the car start up again. He just chortled and rolled his eyes, shaking his head a little before I pulled off onto the road and heading for school.


Once we arrived at school, I turned the corner into the entrance and headed into the parking lot. I found my usual spot and turned the car off after successfully parking in between the solid, white lines. Luhan and I grabbed our stuff from the back seat and I made sure the car was locked before we walked inside together.

I was a senior already, a label that made me smile when I realized that as soon as I graduated, I would never have to see any of the people I went to school with again. I planned to go to college out of the country at an American university in New York, so it warmed my soul to know that I would be leaving this place behind as soon as possible. Luhan's class was on the other end of the school, so we parted ways once we made a brief stop at the lockers. While I was on my way to my class, Chanyeol came up to my side and said hi to me.

"You look nice today," he commented as he rested his left shoulder on the locker next to mine.

"I wear this same uniform every day, Chanyeol," I said with a small sigh. "You're gonna have to step up your compliment game if you want me to take you back." 

"So, that means you've thought about what I asked you the other day?" he said, making me groan mentally and roll my eyes.

"No, Chanyeol, that's not what that means. I've told you a million times already," I said as I turned to face him. "I'm not going out with you again. When I said we were over, I meant it."

"I get that, but you never told me why," he pressed on.

"That's because you should already know," I said as I slammed my locker shut and faced him.

"Well, clearly I don't, so maybe you should tell me," he said, making me sigh in annoyance.

"It's because I don't want a secret relationship, Chanyeol," I said. "I'm out of the closet and it took a lot of courage for me to tell everyone that I liked guys. I'm not gonna waste my time in a relationship with someone who isn't at least comfortable enough with their sexuality to tell their parents. It's unattractive and quite frankly it's pathetic. I mean, you know I'm not a cocky person, but I deserve better than that."

"Alright," he said with a depressed sigh, taking his shoulder off of the blue metal. "I understand."

"So will you stop asking me to take you back now?" I asked, bending my knees a little to look at his hanging face.

"Yes," he said, making me smile and pat his shoulder.

"Don't worry, pal," I said. "You'll find the right person one day and then you'll live happily ever after and have lots of babies." He laughed and shoved me lightly in response. Then, the bell rang and we both headed to our classroom for first period.


Finally we get to meet Kyungsoo!! He is a lot like me in his views on people, obviously because I was writing this from my brain XD Anyway, the amount of foreshadowing I'm putting in this story is killing me. I hope you guys are all catching on to it.

I hope you enjoyed reading this update and I will try to update tomorrow! I've been trying to finish my one shots earlier so I can update this, and I think I've been doing pretty well so far, so let's see if I can keep it up!

Please leave a like and a comment before you go and thanks for reading! <3

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