Chapter Forty-Three | When It's Meant To

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Jongin's POV

Very quickly, our moment of happiness turned sour. 

We weren't really worried about it at first. Not everything happens right away and it gave us time to plan and mentally adjust to the idea of becoming parents. 

But as days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months with no sign of Kyungsoo getting pregnant, that's when I started to get concerned. We had sex a couple times a week and even more when he went into heat, so I figured if there was any time it would work, it would be then. But every one of those damn pregnancy tests proved otherwise. 

In all honesty, I wasn't so much upset that we weren't getting pregnant, but more so at what it was doing to Kyungsoo. It was like I could see the happiness in his eyes slowly burn out into a dim light that could barely light up a corner of a room. I would often catch him wondering if it was his fault and blaming himself for it all. It pained me to see him get so down, so much so that I even began wondering if I would ever see him smile again.

While Kyungsoo was back in the room resting, I was down in the kitchen cleaning up from lunch when I heard a knock vibrate the door. After wiping my hands off with the kitchen towel hanging from the oven handle, I walked over to the door, twisting the doorknob to see Baekhyun standing there. He was just starting his last trimester at this point, so he was starting to look very pregnant.

"Hey, hyung," I said. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I was just coming to see if D.O wanted to come baby shopping with me," he said.

"Wait, then what was of the point of you having a baby shower?" I asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

"So I can exchange some of things people got me for things that I actually want," he replied, looking at my still perplexed face. "Plus ,there was free cake, so it wasn't a complete waste of my time. Anyway, is he here?"

"Yeah," I said slowly, glancing over my shoulder in the direction of our bedroom, "but I don't think right now is the best time. He's not feeling so well."

"Why?" he questioned as he cocked his head to the right. "Is he sick? You should take him over to Lay then."

"Kind of, but not the kind of sick you're thinking of," I answered. "Now just isn't a good time, okay? I'll tell him you stopped by, though." Just as I was about to shut the door, he pushed it back again and walked in, completely disregarding my words. "Sure, come in why don't you?" I mumbled to myself as I shut the door.

"Where is he?" he asked, looking around. "I can make him feel better."

"He's resting and no you can't nor will you try to," I said, stepping in front of him.

"Okay, then will you at least tell me what made him so upset, Mr. Protective?" he said, placing a hand on his hip.

"We've been trying to get pregnant, but it's not working and now he's sad," I said, answering him in as few words as possible.

"Aw," he cooed, his eyes moving to upstairs. "Poor baby. Have you gone to the vet and asked him what's up?"

"No," I answered as I walked into the living room, taking a seat on the couch. "I keep thinking the timing isn't right, so I don't think there's anything wrong. But I can't exactly say that to him. He insists that having a baby is what's right for him."

"Yeah, maybe it is, but it's just not the right time," he said as sat in a smaller chair diagonal from where I was. "But I'm sure he's still adjusting to the whole idea of Fate and especially if this is one of his first experiences with feeling, I can understand why he's upset." 

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