Chapter Forty-One | Home Sweet Home

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Jongin's POV

As much fun as it was to be able to get away for a while, I had to admit that it was nice to drive up the driveway and see the familiar and comfortable view of the main house come into sight. Kyungsoo ended up falling asleep on the long drive back from the cemetery, so once I turned the car off, I had to lean over and wake him up.

"Soo, wake up," I said, shaking his shoulder gently. "We're home, baby." After a few more shakes, he finally began to wake up, scrunching his face up and parting his lips as he lifted his head off of the window.

"Huh?" he said as he let out one of his cute yawns. "What did you say?"

"I said we're home," I said, repeating my previous words after laughing at him. He looked around with drowsy and groggy eyes and then rubbed his face with his hands.

"Oh," he said. "I see that now." I laughed again and then placed a quick kiss on his temple before taking off my seatbelt and getting out of the car, slamming the car door shut before walking to the trunk to get our stuff out. Right after he had exited the car, too, I turned my head when I saw the front door open, Joonmyun and Lay stepping out from behind it.

"You're back!" Lay said with excitement as he came down the steps to greet us. "Welcome home! We've missed you."

"We missed you, too, hyung," I said, pausing what I was doing to hug him.

"So, how was it?" Lay said, walking over to Kyungsoo and hugging him as well. "Did Kai spoil you?"

"Yes, way too much," Kyungsoo answered, giving me a little look.

"What?" I said, shrugging innocently. "It's my job to spoil you." He just smiled at me, laughing before starting to talk to Lay again.

"Hey, Kai," Joonmyun hyung said as he appeared, placing a temporary hand on my shoulder. "You want some help with those?"

"Sure," I said as I pulled Kyungsoo's black suitcase out of the trunk. "Thanks."

"Yep," he said as he grabbed the strap. "So, I'm dying to know, where did you take him?"

"To the house that my dad had built for my mom," I replied as I slammed the trunk shut.

"Wow, I'm impressed," he said, making me chuckle. "I didn't know you could be such a romantic."

"Well," I said with a little grunt as I picked up my suitcase, "I guess that's what happens when you get married. You become a soft romantic." He laughed and gave my back a little pat before the four of us started to walk up to the house.

"Soo!" Luhan shrieked once we were all inside. He came over and hugged Kyungsoo tightly, his arms almost choking him as they wrapped around his neck.

"Hey, Lu," Kyungsoo said, coughing a bit as he spoke.

"Gee, it's nice to see you, too, Luhan," I said with a sarcastic smile as I set the suitcase on the ground.

He laughed a little and gave me a hug as he said, "I missed you, too, Kai. I just missed my best friend a teeny bit more." I just chuckled and slid my shoes off before setting them on the small rug by the door. Before I could even stand up fully, I saw Baekhyun rushing up the porch steps with Chanyeol trailing behind him.

"Look out," I whispered to Kyungsoo, motioning my head toward Baekhyun. His eyes became wider before he shut them and sighed deeply, making me laugh out loud.

"I thought I heard your car pull up," Baekhyun said as he stepped inside, looking like he was just about ready to burst in excitement.

"Hi, Baek," Kyungsoo said slowly, barely able to get that out before Baekhyun pulled him into an air-sucking hug.

"I bet he was fun to be with while we were gone," I said to Chanyeol as he came and stood beside me.

"You have no idea," he groused, making me laugh loudly again. 

"So," Baekhyun said as he finally let go of Kyungsoo, "where did you go? It wasn't somewhere cliche like Hawaii, right?"

"No, it was actually really thoughtful and romantic," Kyungsoo said. "He took me to the place that his dad had built for his mom and their honeymoon."

"Aw, Kai," Baekhyun said, his eyes now on me. "You really are growing up." I just rolled my eyes as Kyungsoo laughed.

"Alright, guys," Lay announced, earning our attention. "Dinner's ready, so let's eat."

"Yes, real food," I said as I grabbed Kyungsoo's hand and walked over to the table. "Can't say I'm a fan of plane food." A few of them laughed and then we all sat down to eat, the others joining us a few minutes later.


"It feels so good to be home, doesn't it?" I said as I walked into our bedroom, wiping my still damp hair with the towel that was around my neck.

"Yes, it really does," Kyungsoo said as he settled into his side of the bed. I finished drying most of my hair and threw the towel in the hamper before getting into bed next to him. "So, what do we do now?" he asked me as my back hit the bed, earning a slightly perplexed look from me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, what do we do?" he said. "You know I've already decided to skip the whole college thing and nothing is trying to kill us anymore. So what do we do now?"

I shrugged my shoulders and laughed a little. "I don't know," I said. "Whatever Fate wants us to, I guess."

"But how will we know what It wants us to do?"

"You'll feel it right here," I said, taking hold of his hand and placing it on my heart. "Fate has a way of showing up at just the right time, so when you feel it in your heart, you'll know it's Fate trying to tell you something."

He lovingly at me. "I'm so lucky to have you," he said as he laid his head on my chest, snuggling into my side. I chortled and placed a kiss on the top of his head before pulling the blanket over us and switching the lamp off. "Goodnight," he said as he yawned.

"Goodnight, baby," I said, giving his head one more kiss. "Sweet dreams."


Sorry for another filler, but I wanted to build up to the next event, which will be revealed next chapter so stick around! I might not update tomorrow though because I really want to be done with the last one shots I have to do, so if I don't that's why.

Thanks for reading and I hope you liked this! Likes and comments always make me happy! <3

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