Chapter Eight | Big News

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Jongin's POV

Okay, I know I was kind of dreading the whole imprinting on a stranger thing, but maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing after all. I mean, he would definitely be entertaining to have around with that snappy attitude of his, and there was no denying how cute he was. I thought it would keep our relationship perpetually interesting, however far it ended up going. All I had to do now was figure out if I was ready to risk it all and try having a relationship with him.

"Alright, let's settle down now," Mr. Park said. The class was close to reaching its end and I couldn't have been more excited. "Our primary focus this year will be English reading comprehension. So, to kick that off, we will be looking at is the work of Mr. William Shakespeare, but more specifically Romeo and Juliet. Working in your groups of two, you and your partner will read the play and collectively come up with what you think the main theme or takeaway from the play is. This will require you to not only read the text primarily in English, but also try to decipher the deeper meaning of the words. You get a whole three weeks to work on this, so I expect quality papers from each and every group." 

Then, he stopped at the front of each row of desks and passed out the rubrics for the project.

"You can read the instructions on your own and figure out how you will divide up the work because I do expect each partner to contribute to this," he continued. "The books I will be giving you do have the Korean translation, but I expect you to read a majority of the English just to help sharpen your skills." 

The next thing that came back to us were tiny, worn-out books that looked like they were on the verge of tearing apart. After that, the bell signaling the end of class rang loudly and we all stood up, gathering all of our things.

"We should probably get started as soon as possible, so meet me outside after school," D.O. said as he closed his notebook. I looked at him confused. He looked back at me, confused as to why I was confused. "This is me telling you we're partners for this project," he clarified. 

"Right, okay," I replied, shaking my head a little. "We have like three weeks though. Do we have to start now?"

"Yes, we do," he said. "I don't do procrastination. And you heard him. If we're going to read a majority of this thing in English, it's gonna take at least two weeks, which only leaves us a week to write this paper and that means, we have to start now." I chuckled a little and grabbed my bag off the floor, pulling my water bottle out from it. "Now that that's settled, will it be your place or mine?"

"It'd probably be better if we went to your house," I said, the thought of the others terrorizing him making me nervous. "My housemates are kind of...rowdy."

"That works," he said. "We can meet outside today and you can ride with me to my house."

"Okay," I said. "Your parents won't mind, will they?" His face stiffened a bit at my question and I instantly could feel that something was wrong.

"No," he said shortly. I nodded my head slowly as he briefly glanced at the ground, blinking his eyes a couple of times. "Okay so, meet me outside later. Don't be late," he said, looking at me very briefly before standing up from his seat. I watched him walk away, my eyebrows still knitted together in confusion and my new senses still working in overdrive.


I was making a quick stop at my locker at the end of the day when Baekhyun and Sehun came up to me, the smiles on their lips suggesting that they were up to something.

"What do you two morons want?" I asked, squinting my eyes at them in suspicion.

"How's that mating thing coming along?" Baekhyun asked, making me sigh and roll my eyes. I should have figured that's what they were up to: poking into my business.

"Yeah, did you tell him yet?" Sehun asked next.

"What'd he say?"

"Are you gonna get married?"

"How many pups do you want?"

"Will you both of you shut the fuck up for a minute?" I said as I slammed my locker shut, the harsh tone in my voice immediately making their mouths close. "It's not going anywhere because I haven't told him anything yet."

"Well, why the hell not?" Baekhyun asked, speaking as if it was a no-brainer.

"Um...maybe because I just started talking to him today," I replied.

"So?" Sehun shrugged. "What's that got to do with anything?"

"Everything, Sehun, it's got to do with everything," I said, widening my eyes a little as I spoke. "I can't just tell him and expect him to be all cool with it. I mean, assuming all goes well and he actually believes any of this, I'll be turning him into one of us and I don't want to rush into this."

"Way to make things sappy, Kai," Baekhyun said, scoffing a little. I shook my head a little and put my bag over my shoulder. "Seriously Kai, there's no need to make things more complicated than they should be. Fate knows what it's doing, so you should just listen to It."

"If that's so true, then just look at this like a part of Fate's great plan for me," I said. "Trust me on this one, alright? I know what I'm doing, too."

"Whatever," he said with a sigh of surrender. "Just don't come crying to me when you're about to die because you waited too long."

"Baekhyun hyung?" I said, pretending to have a sweet tone in my voice as I placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me, waiting for me to continue. "Don't try to give advice when you've never even imprinted before." His eyes quickly turned into a glare after that, and I knew I had officially shut him up.

"As interesting as this conversation is," Sehun said, causing both of us to look at him, "I have big news and I want you guys to be the first to know."

"I don't care if you made the soccer team," I said, cutting him off a little.

"No, it's not about that," he said. "It's even better and bigger news."

"Sehun, just tell us what it is," Baekhyun said. "We really don't want to stand here and guess."

"Okay, but you have to swear not to tell Joonmyun hyung yet. I want to tell him," he said, lowering his voice down to a whisper as he leaned in closer to us.

"Okay, we swear," Baekhyun said for both of us.

"Okay," Sehun said. He moved even closer to us and looked around before whispering, "I imprinted today."


Dun dun dun...and now it's time for some HunHan. The next two chapters will be focused on them and then we will shift back to KaiSoo. I have to think of what will happen at that point, so I might need a day to think about that. Also, my plans changed and I will not be able to post another one shot until this weekend. Just thought I'd let y'all know.

I hope you didn't think this chapter was too boring and terrible (even though it was). I never plan for all this middle stuff when I think of these ideas. But I will get my shit together soon, so don't fret. Please leave a like and a comment and I will be back tomorrow with some HunHan! <3

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