Chapter Twenty-Seven | Start of Forever

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Kyungsoo's POV

Life returned to its usual rhythm. There was still no sign of Chanyeol and I was having trouble coming up with excuses for his teachers about the reason for his absence. Joonmyun even took a few members of the pack out one weekend to look for him but came back with no good news. I was worried for him and I was worried for Baekhyun. 

But Baekhyun insisted I put my worries aside and focus on the upcoming school dance. He said it would be one of the most special moments of my life, so he insisted I had the perfect suit to match the occasion.

"Baek, I don't understand why we are going prom shopping on the day before the dance," I said as I was dragged into some store by an eager Baekhyun. "There probably won't be anything left to choose from."

"Au contraire, my friend," he said, stopping suddenly and pointing a finger at me. "That's because you don't think like a werewolf yet. Werewolves have no sense of time with things like this, so there's no need to plan things out accordingly." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and mouthed a silent "what" before he carried on with talking. "But I wouldn't worry about it too much. By this time next month, you'll be just like us and understand what I mean."

As soon as he said that, it all hit me: today was my last full day as a human. Don't get me wrong, I was thrilled that I could finally truly be with Jongin for the rest of my life, but the whole process still scared me a bit. I trusted Jongin to take care of me and was looking forward to finally being able to share such an intimate moment with him, but becoming a werewolf was a lot to wrap my head around.

Baekhyun turned around to look at me, asking, "Are you alright? You got quiet for a minute there."

"Oh, yeah," I said, snapping out of my mental trance. "I'm totally fine."

"What?" he said as he started rummaging through the different tuxedos. "You aren't nervous about tomorrow are you?"

"Pssh, no," I said, completely lying. "What's there to be afraid of? I'm actually really looking forward to it."

"Liar," he said, still not looking at me but smirking a little. "You're scared about getting bitten by Kai and waking up half animal."

"Well, when you put it that way," I said, walking up beside him.

He chuckled. "D.O., I guarantee you that you have nothing to be scared of," he said, finally looking at me. "Kai is like the gentlest person I know, so you shouldn't be worried about anything in that department. I can't speak to the being bitten thing, but I wouldn't worry about that either. I mean, it's gonna hurt, I won't lie. Probably a lot."

"That's comforting," I said with widened eyes, running my hand through some of the suits. He didn't say anything about it again and just went along, quietly searching through rows of black and white fabric. 

"Ah ha!" he said suddenly, making me jump and look in his direction. He held up a suit before saying with extra cheer in his voice, "It's perfect for you!"

"This is nice, but..." I began as I looked at the big number on the price tag. "It's so expensive. I'm sure we can find a cheaper one if we look harder."

"No, no," he said, batting my hands away from the rack. "You have to pamper yourself sometimes. Besides, Joonmyun's paying for all this, so it doesn't matter how much we spend." I let out another laugh and then he went behind, pushing me into the dressing room. "Now try it on, I want to see what it looks like," he said. 

I sighed, out of energy to even try and protest him, and went into the small area, closing the curtain before taking off my other clothes and putting the suit on. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I had to admit that it looked nice. It wasn't anything special or unique as far as color or design was concerned, just the traditional white, long sleeve shirt paired with a black coat, pants, tie, and pair of shoes in the same shade that Baekhyun had picked out before we came here. It was simple but effective. 

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