Chapter Fifteen | Clouded Mind

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Kyungsoo's POV

I didn't stop running until I had reached my house again. My chest was heaving up and down so fast that I literally felt like I was going to pass out. 

I could have handled the situation better, I know that. But what was I to do when the person I liked magically teleported me into the woods and then turned into a wolf before my eyes?

I didn't know what to do with myself after that. All I could see in my clouded mind was the image of Jongin going from a two-legged human to a four-legged wolf. And a huge wolf at that. I know I told him that I would like him no matter what he was, but this was just way beyond my expectations. When he told me that he wasn't who he seemed to be, I never once thought "Oh my god, maybe he's werewolf." Hell, I didn't even believe that they actually existed before he told me the truth.

As far as my feelings for him were concerned, I was lost there, too. I was sure that my feelings were strong enough to look past the fact that he was half dog, and I knew this because I found myself thinking about him still. But my head was just so fogged up by everything that had happened that I couldn't seem to find those feelings anymore. It was like I was once walking down such a clear path and now I had reached a crossroads. I didn't know where to go anymore.

Luhan's POV

Sehun and I waited with the rest of the pack in the living room while the doctor checked on Kai. There was a terrified tension in the air because we all knew that there was no hope of him surviving if D.O. didn't change his mind. We all knew that Kai might not survive this, but we were all hoping for some sort of miracle.

The doctor's steps coming down the stairs made us all jump up to our feet instantly. I'm pretty sure most of us were trying to read his face, but it was so blank and expressionless that we couldn't tell what the news was before he told us.

"Well, how is he?" Joonmyun asked. He seemed to be the most worried out of all of us. It was clear to me that he and Kai had a special bond that was much stronger than any bonds between the other pack members.

"I wish I could say fine, but honestly, he looks terrible," the vet said. One simultaneous sigh left our lips. "He's fading faster than any other case like this that I've seen."

"What do you mean?" Joonmyun said with furrowed eyebrows. "That doesn't add up. Aren't these things supposed to take time?"

"Well, in normal cases, yes," the vet said.

"Then what's so abnormal about Kai?" Joonmyun said.

"The whole reason this happens to a werewolf is because they feel rejected by the person they imprinted on, thus making them feel they have no purpose anymore, like this is Fate's way of saying it's their time," he explained. "That feeling of rejection should take a while for their body to completely process, but if Kai passed out right away after being rejected, his body processed the feeling quicker and now it is speeding up his death."

"I still don't get it," Sehun said. "I mean, how did this even happen?"

"My guess is that he went into this full of doubts and he prepared himself for rejection," he said.

"Like he already knew that it was going to happen," Joonmyun said.

"Exactly," the vet said with a nod. "From what I can tell, Kai kept telling himself that no matter what he did he was going to die, so by the time his predictions came true, his body was quick to catch up with his mind."

"How long does he have?" Joonmyun asked next, speaking the words we were all thinking but too afraid to ask.

"Judging from his current condition," he said with a sigh, looking in the direction of his room, "I'd say no more than a couple of weeks." 

It was then that the mood of the room hit rock bottom. It was like waking up from a nightmare only to realize that you weren't dreaming; all of it was real.

"Are you sure there isn't anything you can do to try and save him?" Sehun said, his voice overtaken by desperateness.

"I'm so sorry, but there is nothing I can personally do," the vet said, shaking his head. Sehun sighed sadly and blinked his eyes a couple of time. I took hold of his hand to try and offer some sort of comfort. "Unless the person he imprinted on suddenly changes their mind and changes the way Kai feels, we just have to let Fate do its work. I'm very sorry." We all looked around the room to see the same somber expression on everyone's face. 

Just then, I got an idea. I didn't know much about Kai, but I did know that it was not his time to leave yet.

"Where are you going, Lu?" Sehun asked me as I headed for the door. I turned back around briefly and said,

"I'm going to save Kai."

"Didn't you hear him?" he said, pointing to the vet. "There is no saving Kai. It's too late."

"Not if I have anything to say about it," I said. He just kind of looked at me and then I left the house, en route to D.O.'s house.


Uh oh! Looks like Luhan is going to give Kyungsoo a piece of his mind! But will it work or will Kai join his parents in the after life? Stick around to find out! :)

So I'm going to KCON and I'm super pumped!! I get to see VIXX and Teen Top in concert as well as SNSD and AOA! And I just ordered three albums, so yay!!

Anyway, I hope you likes this update although it was short. Please leave a like and a comment, as they are really appreciated! <3

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