Chapter Sixty-Eight | Once and For All

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Kyungsoo's POV

"This is a good plan and all," Chen said as he cocked his head to the side, "but how can we be sure that they won't try to pick another fight? I mean, we all saw how well talking worked out last time."

"This isn't last time," Joonmyun said in a vaguely stern and firm voice, his jaw slightly but visibly clenched. 

For me, this was the first time hearing him speak in such an authoritative tone of voice, and for the others, I'm guessing it had been quite a long time judging by the hint of surprise that was splattered on their facial expressions. It made sense to me, though, why Joonmyun would be acting like that at a time like this. He was an otherwise peaceful man, but he was also alpha, so I'm sure he felt the weight of having one of his own get injured on his shoulders.

"Then what do you suggest we do if they do stir up a physical fight?" questioned Xiumin as he took his back off the couch, resting his arms on his thighs. "We've tried going about it in a peaceful manner, but apparently that's not their style. And anyway, Yongguk has to be pissed more than ever now. He probably blames Kai for what he did to Jongup."

"I know he does," Jongin said, causing us to look at him. "But I can't risk someone else getting hurt because of me. Just let me fight him alone, okay? That's what he wants after all."

Joonmyun sighed heavily, his hair being pushed back by his hands as they moved up his face. "Kai, I can't sit back knowing you're fighting him with us to help," he said. "I understand what you're saying, but I'd rather have this conflict dragged out for longer than we anticipated then go home without you." Jongin sighed and looked down, prompting me to wrap my arms around his in an effort to comfort him. 

"If a fight is what it comes down to, we're going to have to be ready," Joonmyun added a moment later. "But let's just remember one thing, we are in this together and that means we do whatever it takes to protect each other, alright?" 

Everyone just kind of looked at each other after that and it wasn't until that moment that I, as well the others came to the realization that one of us might not make it back alive.


Jongin didn't speak for the rest of that evening, but I could hear the thousands of worried thoughts as they flew around his head.

I must protect the pack.

I have to make sure no one else gets hurt.

If it wasn't for me, none of them would be in danger.

This is all my fault.

I had never noticed it before, but Jongin sure thought like an alpha. Maybe it was in his blood, that feeling that told him that he was responsible for everyone else's protection. Despite being with him for so many years, I was just now noticing exactly how selfless he was. He always put on this tough guy, I'm always perfectly content act when really he is constantly worrying about the safety of the people around him. And while now might not have been the best time to realize this, it sure did make me fall even more in love with him, if that was possible.

After I stepped out of the shower, dried off and changed into one of Jongin's big t-shirts, I came out into the room. I happened to look up from putting my old, dirty clothes in a bag and saw Jongin leaning against the balcony's railings. Smiling faintly, I started to walk toward him and wrapped my arms around his waist once I was out there, resting my head on his back.

"Oh, hey, baby," he said after jumping a bit, putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side instead. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better now that I'm with you," I replied with a small hum, looking up at him before he leaned down and pecked my nose with a kiss. "How are you feeling? I know you're nervous for tomorrow."

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