Chapter Fifty-Five | The Note

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Jongin's POV

The day after I saw those eyes, the image of their piercing red color still ingrained in my mind, I took the kids over to Baekhyun and Chanyeol's place so that they could spend some time with their cousins. In order to get a second opinion on my little dilemma, I told Baekhyun about my senses and what I saw last night in the woods, but I got stuck with same exact response as I did with Kyungsoo.

"Kai, face it," Baekhyun said as he made trips back and forth from the dishwasher to the cupboards, "you're just crazy. So what if you saw red eyes in the woods? It might have just been your night vision playing tricks on you."

"But, hyung, I know what I saw!" I protested, my voice coming out as a defensive whine. "There was something there last night."

"Then what was it, huh?" he said, glaring at me with one hand on his hip.

"I don't know, but I plan to find out," I said, making him groan and shake his head in response. "I'm telling you, there is something that is watching me and I don't think it just wants to go and have a nice picnic."

"Why don't you tell me this when you actually have some proof then maybe I'll care," he said, bending over to pick a few stray crumbs off the ground and throwing them away.

"I think having kids made you bitter," I said, earning a glare from him.

"And I think having kids made you even more paranoid than you were before," he retaliated, turning his whole body toward me. "Kai, I get that you're protective of your family now because so am I, but that doesn't mean that every time your instincts go off you have to start worrying. It's very possible that your fatherly instincts are in overdrive and that all this worrying you're doing is meaningless. Just take a chill pill and try to enjoy life. Not everything is out to get you."

"Aish, I don't even know why I came to you," I said as I stood up. "Kids! Let's go, we're leaving!"

"Hey, I'm just saying what I think," Baekhyun said with a shrug. "You don't have to agree with me."

"Well, good because I don't," I said to him, replying right before Jaehyun and Lily appeared. "Come on, guys. Let's go visit appa, okay?"

"Okay!" they said in excitement, running out the front door.

"Later, hyung," I said in the form of a low mumble, following them over to the car.

I knew I wasn't crazy for thinking that we were in danger, but all these people around me telling me that I was wrong was starting to make me feel like I was actually going crazy.


Daehyun's POV

Youngjae and I carefully watched the front doors of the school. Since I had no idea what these kids looked like, I was waiting for him to point them out to me.

"Oh, oh!" he said, slapping my arm in a rather rough manner to gain my attention. "There he is." I looked to where he was pointing and saw a little boy with dark brown hair standing there on the steps.

"I thought you said that they had two kids? I'm only seeing one," I said, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"They do, but the girl must not be out yet," he said. I looked back the boy as he gripped the straps of his backpack and twisted his torso around a little, glancing back inside and occasionally waving at a few kids as they passed by. "Maybe it'd be better to go for him," he suggested. "He's younger, more gullible."

"True," I said, nodding my head slowly and thinking.

"And then," he said, chiming in again, "we would definitely be able to report good news back to Yongguk. Plus, he's all alone right now, so the timing is perfect." I squinted my eyes and thought for a few seconds more, my eyes focused intently on the boy.

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