Part 1, Chapter One | I'm a Werewolf

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Jongin's POV

To be honest, I don't know what I'm supposed to say, so I guess I'll just introduce myself. 

My name is Jongin and I'm a werewolf.

For those out there who aren't aware of what that is, it's basically a human that has the power to turn into a wolf. And not like those glorified wolves from horror films that walk on two legs. (I find those to be highly offensive actually.) When I transform, I have four legs and end up covered in fur. It's not the most ideal thing to be a werewolf in the summer time, but hey, what can you do? I guess you can't have everything you want exactly how you want it.

I wasn't bitten or anything. My parents were werewolves, too and well, I think the rest of the story is pretty obvious. Mommy meets and daddy and they fall in love and do stuff and bam, here comes a baby. They call werewolves like me purebreds because we got the genes through "pure" means and not through venom. 

I live in a pack of other purebred werewolves and we are one of the many packs in Korea. Our alpha is Joonmyun, who leads the pack with the help of his mate Lay, a practicing veterinarian. There's also Xiumin, the eldest member of the pack and his mate Chen, and Tao, who is the only member with children at the moment. Lastly and certainly least there's Sehun, the youngest pack member and Baekhyun, the most annoying pack member. Sehun joined the pack at the young age 12. 

All of our stories are different and it's not really my place to tell anyone else's, so I'll just tell you mine. And it all starts with a little thing called Fate. 

Fate is, to put it simply, a guiding force for most werewolves. It's the force that decides where our whole lives go. It's the wind that blows us around and makes us land wherever it wants us to. From the minute a werewolf is born, whether it be naturally or by a bite, Fate comes into play. If it wasn't for Fate, no werewolf would be where they are now. If it wasn't for Fate, I would still be traveling on an unmarked path of confusion. We put all of our trust and hopes and dreams in Fate, especially when it comes to imprinting and finding a mate. 

What is imprinting, you ask? It's basically love at first sight. You know, the kind that those lovey dovey romance movies try to portray but end failing at horribly. When a werewolf first sees that person, their whole future plays in front of their eyes and they get stuck in something like a trance. That person can be another werewolf or a human, although rarely does a werewolf imprint on a human. 

Imprinting is the best example of Fate that us werewolves have. When a werewolf imprints, they meet their forever mate and lose their desire for anyone else--quite literally. I've never imprinted on anyone, nor have I really dated anyone. We can, but I haven't because I don't want to. It doesn't feel fair to my future mate, whoever that may be, that I would have kissed or maybe even slept with someone else before them. Call me traditional, but the way I plan it, when I meet my mate I'm going to give all the love I have to them and them only. 

But then again, I can never seem to plan anything with Fate always hanging over my head.


After months and months of waiting it's finally here!!! If this chapter was boring I apologize. It was just an introduction to let you know what's going on here.

I am SOOOOOOOOOO pumped for this you guys don't even know!! I am bursting with ideas on how to make this my greatest KaiSoo fanfic yet!! I plan on making it two parts: the first will encompass KaiSoo's love story and how they meet and what not and the second will be about their future and the trouble that will arise later on.

I know I've kept you all waiting but I hope this makes up for it! As I have mentioned, I will be updating this every three days so that I can finish my one shot requests up, but after I will put all my attention on this!

Please give it a like and a comment to let me know what you think! Thanks for reading! <3

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