Chapter Six | Chances

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Kyungsoo's POV

The rest of that day turned out pretty normal for me despite the new distraction I had. I tried with all my strength to resist the urge look over it at him, but it didn't really work if I'm being honest. I think it was because he was sitting right next to me. He didn't say anything else to me for the rest of the school day, but I felt so drawn to him that I could hardly focus on anything the teachers were saying. 

I was also beginning to feel some sort of worry for him whenever I looked over at him. He didn't look ill or pale or anything like that, but he just looked plain old depressed. Like there was something weighing on his mind, but he couldn't tell anyone about it. I had the overbearing urge to ask him what was wrong, but I tamed it because I figured he wouldn't tell someone like me, someone he just met that morning. But I couldn't deny that there was something about him that made me want to take him into my arms and comfort him.

After all my classes were over, I stopped at my locker to drop off the things I didn't need. Luhan and I were overdue for our weekly early dinner date, so I couldn't stay after school like I usually did. Not wanting to keep him waiting, I walked out to my car and was just unlocking the door when I happened to catch a glimpse of Kai with Baekhyun and Sehun. He still had that somber frown on his lips, and from what I could tell Baekhyun and Sehun were trying to cheer him up. It clearly wasn't working though. I felt so bad for him, even though I didn't know what was wrong. It was almost like I could feel my heart aching for him from inside my chest. It was weird experiencing that kind of empathy for someone I hardly knew.

I thought of going over to them to tell Baekhyun about joining the chorus as an excuse to talk to him again, but I knew that wouldn't allow me a big enough time slot to even try to converse with Kai. I sighed in distress. I was feeling way too many emotions for a stranger. He could be a total dick for all I knew. Plus, I never got this hung up over other people, so why was it happening with him. In order to keep myself from getting any angrier, I got in my car and slammed the door shut before sliding the seat belt over my chest and starting the car.

But I was going to figure him out. Either that or I had to get over him.

Jongin's POV

The drive back to the house was silent besides the voices of Baekhyun and Sehun singing to just about every song that came on the radio. It was honestly starting to get obnoxious and I was not in the kind of mood to put up with any kind of annoying people.

"Can't you guys shut up for more than ten minutes?" I said, feeling the anger running through my veins.

"Who stuck a pole up your ass?" Sehun asked from the other window seat.

"Yeah, Kai why are you so bitchy?" Baekhyun asked, from the front seat, looking back so that he could see me.

"Because I have to deal with nuisances like you two morons every day of my life," I said.

"No, I think it's because of what happened this morning," Sehun said.

"What happened this morning?" Joonmyun hyung asked from the driver's seat, glancing back at us through the rear view mirror.

"Nothing happened," I said quickly. "Sehun I swear if you say anoter word I will murder you right here and through your dead corpse out of this window."

"Okay, okay, calm your tits, man," Sehun said with a slightly scrunched up face. "I won't say anything. But they'll find out soon enough, so you might as well tell them when we get home."

"I really don't want to tell them anything," I said, shaking my head a little. "There's no use if I'm gonna die anyway."

"Okay, I have no clue what you guys are arguing about, but I will find out when we get back," Joonmyun hyung said. "And it is a big deal if it has the potential to kill you, Kai, so don't ever think like that."

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