Chapter Fifty-Nine | Acceptance

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Zelo's POV

After the pack was finished listening to me, I followed Kai back to the house where D.O invited me to stay for another night. I tried to reject his offer, but he insisted, saying I was risking a lot by being here, so it was the least he could do. 

I woke up early the next morning while everyone else was still sleeping with intentions of leaving to go back to Yongguk. But even when I was at the entrance of the woods, I felt something telling me not to go. I just stood there for a while, peering out into the trees that were faintly illuminated by the gradually rising sun. Eventually, I sighed and turned around, going over to sit on a random spot in the grass.

Why couldn't I do it? That's the question that kept running about in my mind. Was it my fear of Yongguk finding out what I was thinking or was it the guilt I was drowning in for tricking Kai? 

As I sat there, I could hear the others trying to contact me, but I couldn't completely make out what they were saying. Their voices, which were once loud and clear, seemed to have faded and that started to make me fear my return even more. I figured Yongguk would be getting impatient soon and pissing him off was the last thing I wanted to do.

But I didn't necessarily want to go back either. Even the fact that Joonmyun let them live so close even though they were all mated alone amazed me. When Daehyun and Youngjae became mates, he kicked them out of the house. I also thought back to all those times they told me that Yongguk was using me. If it was true, what was the point of me being with someone who didn't care for me? 

At some point, I had to wake up and realize that there was no point.

"Hi, Zelo hyung." I turned around at the sound of a voice from behind me, my eyes landing on Jaehyun as he waved to me. I smiled a little as I watched him come over to me and sit next to me, crossing his legs and placing his arms over them.

"What are you doing up this early?" I asked slowly. I still wasn't completely comfortable around his kids yet, mostly because I was trying to keep them out of the current situation as much as possible.

"I have a school field trip today!" he answered excitedly. "Appa said I should try to look nice, so I got up early. But then I couldn't pick an outfit by myself, so I decided to take a break." I chuckled at his answer and looked away. "My dad doesn't like you very much, does he?" he said next, causing my head to turn and look at him again.

I sighed a little and shook my head. "Not really, no," I replied.

"Why not?" he asked.

"We kind of have a not-so-good history," I said, trying to explain it to him in as few words as possible. "And when people you have a not-so-good history with suddenly show up, it's hard for you to trust them again, you know?"

"I guess so," he said, puckering his lips as he turned away and thought briefly. "I don't have any enemies. I don't think anyone should have enemies. I think that everyone should love each other and be friends because having friends is better than having enemies. Don't you think that, too, Zelo hyung?" My eyes lingered away from his for a moment, but my face stayed directed at his as I lifted up my knees and propped my chin on it.

"Yeah, I do," I said quietly after a moment, earning a small smile from him.

"Dang it! Not again!" We both turned our heads when we heard a voice coming from the backyard, catching Lily just as she was walking around the house with a pot in her hands.

"What's wrong, noona?" Jaehyun asked, hopping up and running over to her.

"My stupid flower keeps dying," she said, lowering the pot a little so that he could see into it. I get up especially early every morning to water it and talk to it because I read somewhere that talking to plants makes them happy and want to grow. I even keep it in the sun, too. But every time I plant one, it just dies."

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