Chapter Forty-Six | The Joys (Pains) of Pregnancy

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Jongin's POV


For the next two months, that was all I heard. Jongin this, Jongin that, Jongin, go get me food. Now, of course I did everything he told me because one, I'm his husband and it's my job to please him while he's carrying our child, and two because I knew that he could kill me if he really wanted to. It didn't help either that he was in heat during that month, so an average day in our house basically consisted of him being angry at me one minute and horny the next. And between those two things, I was exhausted.

"KIM JONGIN!!" I heard him shouting as I was sitting on the couch, but honestly, I was too tired to even say anything. He called me again as he stomped down the stairs, walking into the living room with a hand on his hip and his now planet-sized belly sticking out. "Did you not hear me calling you for the past ten minutes?" he asked with raised eyebrow and widened eyes.

"No, I did," I replied plainly, my eyes on the television.

"Then why didn't you answer me, asshole?!" he said--or more like shouted.

I just shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know why," I said, shaking my head faintly. "What do you need?"

"Don't get an attitude with me!" he said as he walked over and stood in front of the television. "I'm the one whose carrying another werewolf right now, so if anyone deserves to have an attitude it's me." His veins were popping out of his neck as he spoke, but I remained calm. Hey, someone had to.

"You're right, baby," I said in a softer, and slightly sarcastic tone, letting him win. "I'm sorry. What do you need?"

"I need food," he said as he glanced down at his stomach. "She's hungry and so am I."

"Okay," I said with a sigh as I got on my feet. "What kind of food do you want?"

"Ice cream," he answered. "And don't get that shitty generic brand this time either. I want a quality brand of ice cream."

"What flavor?" I asked as I put my shoes on, yawning a little.

"Chocolate," he said. "No, Rocky Road. No, the kind that has the Oreos in it."

"How about I just get all of those?" I suggested. "That way I don't have to keep going back to the store when one runs out."

"What, do you not want to do things for me anymore?" he said, making me sigh and mentally curse. "Am I that much of a bother that you don't want to help me while I'm carrying the child you put in me? Is that it?"

"No, I was just saying that--" I started before I paused and shut my eyes for a moment. I took a deep breath. I wasn't starting a fight with him over ice cream. "I'm not gonna get into this with you right now, so I'm going to go buy the ice cream and I'll be back later, alright?" I plastered on a smile as I walked over to him and kissed his forehead.

"You better get the good brand or else I'm divorcing you!" he warned as I grabbed the car keys and my wallet.

"Okay," I said as I walked out the door, letting out a big gust of air once I shut the door and looking up at the sky. "Umma, appa, remind me to never get him pregnant again," I said. Then, with one last heavy sigh, I cracked my neck and then walked over to the car.


Instead of going right home after returning from the store, I decided to stop up by the main house for at least a minute or two of silence. When I walked in with the plastic grocery bag swinging and crinkling in my hand, I saw that Chanyeol was in the kitchen, digging around in the fridge for something.

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