Chapter Twelve | Opening Up

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Kyungsoo's POV

The rest of that week seemed to fly by. Between my school work and my job and chores at home, any free time that I had seemed to be occupied by more responsibilities. That wasn't out of the ordinary for me, but it did seem to bother me a lot more than it usually did. I had to blame on it Kai, though. I could think about was when I would get to spend more time alone with him. It was almost like I missed him when he wasn't around.

We met up regularly to talk about our English project, but we'd also do other things. Sometimes we'd take a break and watch something on TV or go for a walk in the nearby park. Other times we would just talk about random things like our hobbies and interests and stuff like that. Don't get me wrong, I was still totally overwhelmed by him and my now huge crush on him, but I was beginning to feel more comfortable around him now. He even started calling me hyung at some point and part of me kind of liked that. 

But another part of me secretly hoped that this was getting us one step closer to being more than just friends.

However, while my relationship with Kai was just beginning to turn sweet, I could feel my relationship with Chanyeol start to turn sour. I saw him at work since we worked together and usually the same shift, but he just seemed a whole lot more distant with me. I didn't know what happened to him that would make him act like all the life had been sucked out of him, but I was smart enough to know that it had to do with Kai. 

At this point, it had gotten pretty obvious that I liked Kai in more than a friendly way and Chanyeol, being my ex, probably didn't like that very much. Although he swore that my logic was absurd and ridiculous, I could see right through his lies. There wasn't anything I could do to ease his jealousy, though. I did have feelings for Kai and I certainly wasn't going to apologize. Besides, if Chanyeol thought that I was just going to let him hang around forever and not date other people, he was wrong.

I also didn't see much of Luhan during that passing week. In fact, he didn't come to school at all, which was weird for him. I thought about going over to his house and asking his parents, but I knew that they were on vacation in China for the rest of the month. Despite his annoying tendencies, I kind of missed having him around. I just hoped he was okay.

I was at my locker on a day when Kai was supposed to come over, just gathering all the things I needed for that evening's homework. I saw him walking towards me right as I shut my locker and he made sure to show off one of his award-winning smiles to me before he approached me.

"Hey, hyung," he said.

"Hi," I said, finishing putting my backpack on as I turned to face him. "Did you get to finish Act 5?"

"Yep," he replied with a single nod. "You'll never guess what happens at the end." I laughed at his sarcasm. "Did you read Act 4?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Then I guess that means we can finally start writing this paper?" he asked as we started walking out to my car.

"Actually, I might have already started that..." I said slowly, causing him to look at me. "Well, I had another paper to write and just figured that I'd start it. I only got like half a page done, though, and I haven't even revised it yet, so we can look at it together. I hope you aren't mad."

"How could I ever be mad at someone as cute as you?" he said, wrapping his arm around my neck and putting me in a headlock. I fought my way out of his grasp and he just laughed at me as I straightened myself out.

"You know, just because I'm short doesn't mean you can bully me around," I said, causing him to break out into even more laughter. "I can and will hurt you."

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