The Big Date

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Hey guys. Welcome back to my Joshaya/Urbrina One Shots book!
Requests are still open if there are any.

Maya Hart smiled as she stood in front of the mirror while Riley was busy talking to someone on the phone.
She was adjusting the tight dress Riley forced her in suddenly having enough of it.
Going through the closet she found something she was comfortable with as she smiled throwing it on as she went straight out of the room.

"Isn't the idea to impress instead of scaring him away?" Riley asked as Maya spraid on some light purfume putting on a lip gloss.
"The idea is the enjoy myself and I bet you he wants to enjoy it as well. With 3 feet high heels and a super tight dress we won't enjoy the night. It's not a date and even if it was I wouldn't put it on," Maya said smacking her lips together.
"I thought you always loved Josh," Riley said as Maya exhaled looking at her best friend.

Being in love with Riley's one year older brother, Josh, has been hard on her for many reasons.
One being Riley was always trying to get Maya to impress Josh by wearing fancy dresses and way too high heels.
But of course today Maya, Josh, Riley and Lucas were going out together but Josh made Maya understand clearly that it wasn't a date nor would it ever be one.

"I do. But he made it clear that it's..." Maya said as there was a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?" Josh asked as Maya shook her head brushing through her hair.
"Yes, Josh. Come on in. We're decent," Riley said as Josh came in smiling at his sister and her best friend.
"Lucas is here. Are you two ready?" Josh asked as Maya nodded.
"Yeah, we are. We'll be right our," Riley said as Josh went out of the room.

"Let's go, Riles. Let's get this chaperone thing done with," Maya said as they went out of the room.

"They still busy?" Lucas asked as Josh nodded.
"Riley said they'll be right out," Josh said.
"Knowing my girlfriend she's..." Lucas said as he saw how Maya and Riley came out.
"Wow, Riles you look amazing," Lucas said giving Riley a kiss as Maya stood uncomfortably aside as Josh saw it going to her trying to think what to tell her.
"Remember what I..."
"Don't worry, Joshua. Strictly only friends chaperoning two friends. I didn't forget," Maya said.
"Are you two done fighting or do we need to wait for the bomb to burst?" Riley asked.
"No, let's go," Maya said as they were out of the door.

Walking just behind the others Maya exhaled as she suddenly stopped looking into a café seeing a man.
Taking a deep breathe Riley realized something was going on.

"Peaches, you okay?" Riley asked as Maya nodded.
"I'm fine. I have something to do. I'll be right back," Maya said as she went in the café as the man immediately noticed her.

"Maya," he said.
"Hello, Dad," Maya said as she swallowed hard.
"How are you, Sweetheart? You look good," he said.
"I am good. Mom as well," Maya said as Josh entered the café seeing Maya talking to a older man as he decided to wait outside.
"How long have you been in New York?" Maya asked.
"Awhile. Six months," Kermit said.
"You were in town and didn't even attend your daughter's eighteenth birthday. Why?" Maya asked.
"Wasn't my place," Kermit said.
"I should get going. See you, Kermit," Maya said as she went out of the café seeing as Josh was outside.

"Sister bullied you into coming, didn't she?" Maya said as Josh shook his head.
"No she didn't. She and Lucas are at Topanga's. I said I wanted to be here. Are you okay?" Josh asked and Maya exhaled as she looked how Kermit was joined by a woman and two children under the age of six smiling.
"See that man?" Maya asked.
"The one with the woman and kids? Yeah I saw how you spoke to him," Josh said.
"He's my father. He was here when I turned 18 but apparently it wasn't his place attending or showing face," Maya said.
"Maya, I'm sorry. No girl should go through that," Josh said.
"Come let's get going," Maya said as they went to Topanga's.

Seeing as Lucas and Riley already each had a milkshake and was busy talking Maya smiled as she and Josh sat down in a booth in the corner.

"Milkshake?" Josh asked and Maya nodded.
"I got it," Josh said going to the counter as he ordered seeing as Maya opened the locket around her neck smiling at the picture.
"Here you go. Are you okay?" Josh asked as Maya looked at him.
"I saw you fighting the tears when you saw me. You don't have to pretend," Josh said as Maya exhaled sipping on her milkshake.
"I just wanted him to be there. Even if he thought it wasn't his place. I thought that was why dads were on this planet. Clearly not all fathers are like that," Maya said as Josh looked at Maya placing his hand on hers.
"If he doesn't think it's his place to be in his daughter's life then that's his loss. And not your fault. I've seen you resent yourself over the years but it's not your fault. It's not. Stop blaming yourself for something you know you can't change," Josh said as Maya smiled.
"Pretty nice 'friends chaperoning'," Maya said as Josh removed his hand while she continued to sip on her milkshake.
"Somehow this does change everything. I've never seen you be this honest before. Just not putting on a face and being vulnerable. Why are you showing this to me?" Josh asked.
"Maybe because I've had enough of hiding. I'm always putting on a face for your sister but that doesn't mean I don't break down. I do. I just don't do it in front of her," Maya said
"I'm going to pay then we are going somewhere else. My sister is old enough to be on her own," Josh said.
"Okay," Maya said as she smiled.

Walking through the streets of New York Maya smiled not believing what was going on.
Stepping into a park she saw memories of her and her father while Josh carefully watched how she was looking around.
Shaking her head she looked at Josh smiling as he threw his arm around her waist.

"What's on your mind?" Josh asked.
"So much. Too much. Every corner of this park has a memory of me and my dad. And without even knowing it I got so much closer to not being able to let go of everything," Maya said as she and Josh stopped.
"You wanna go home then?" Josh asked standing in front of her as she shook her head.
"Not actually. I don't wanna be alone right now," Maya said as Josh could see the fear in her eyes pulling her close in him.

Exhaling she allowed herself to fall into the moment.
Feeling his hand on her back holding her tight a smile formed on her mouth as she realized he was also just a person afraid of getting hurt.
Pulling back she looked into his eyes as she bite her lip breaking eye contact.
Caressing her cheek Josh gently lifted her cheek allowing their lips to connect as he pulled Maya a little closer to him.
Placing her hand on his chest she never wanted the moment to end as she slowly pulled away looking at him.

"I love you. But I've never felt like I was good enough for you," Josh said as Maya looked at him.
"Josh," Maya said smiling as she shook her head.
"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I don't want it any other way. This moment. If life stands still and only remains in this one moment for the rest of eternity, I will be fine with it. I love you too," Maya said as Josh smiled closing the distance between them crashing their lips into each other.

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