A Precious Time

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Happy Thanksgiving for the people living in America.
If you're not American happy Thursday.
So this is my Thanksgiving one shot and please if you have any ideas for a Christmas one shot leave it down below.
Can be Joshaya or Urbrina.
Happy holidays!

Maya looked around as everything had changed over the last few months.
She always had Thanksgiving at the Matthews but this time she had it with her mom and her husband also Maya's stepfather which was still new to her.
After Shawn and Katy's wedding two months ago Shawn immediately moved in with the family and now Maya had to get used to a lot of things.

"So, Shawn. First Thanksgiving as newlyweds. How does it feel?" Cory asked and Shawn smiled as Katy looked over to where her daughter was sitting.
"If my stepdaughter would be okay things would be nice. She's been so down lately. Did something happen which we weren't aware of?" Shawn asked and Cory shrugged his shoulders as the door flew open.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" his parents shouted as they came through the door.
"Mom, Dad welcome," Cory said and Topanga smiled as she went to greet her mother-in-law.

Suddenly Josh also came through the door showing his family to be quiet.
He saw as Maya was sitting alone as he went towards her.
Obviously she didn't notice anything since she was busy with Auggie so Josh threw his arms over her body causing her to get jumpy.
Quickly she realized who it was smiling.

"Josh!" Maya said immediately hugging him.
"Hey, Gorgeous. Thought I'll see you here. How are you?" Josh asked as Maya smiled.
"I'm good," Maya said letting go of her grip as Josh went to sit down next to her.

For the two of them since they promised someday it has been quite a mission to get them separated.
Josh always talked about Maya while Maya constantly wanted to be with Josh which they knew was almost impossible with their families.
As the two started to talk Katy nudged Shawn as he also saw the two young people spending time.

"We'll never know what is going on between those two," Shawn said as Katy exhaled.
"I just wish we had his influence on her. She seems so..."
"Happy," Shawn said and Katy nodded.
"Josh always talks about her when we see him. Looks like they either hang out a lot or have telephone contact mist of the times," Amy said.
"Maya has been on her phone a lob more lately," Katy said as Auggie went to his mother.

"So, how's college?" Maya asked.
"Architecture isn't a joke. Really. It's very hard and the more I think I know everything, the more surprised I get when something new is thrown my way. And high school? You're now in your sophomore year of high school and looks like you aren't too miserable," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"I'm not. I'm actually doing pretty good. I'm loving my Spanish classes and I've gone into music and drama which has also been something amazing for me," Maya said.
"Drama and music? What else is there?" Josh asked smiling as he listened to how Maya talked about her Spanish class but also about drama and music and dancing which she has been taking more and more serious.

"Okay guys. Time to get everything going with. Josh, Maya please join the rest of the people. I'll be right back with some drinks," Topanga said as Maya and Josh went to sit down with everyone.
"So, Maya. How have you been? How's school?" Alan asked.
"Amazing actually. I'm busy writing a play for the school which has been amazing and with everything else going on it been absolutely amazing doing everything. The head of the dance department had also asked me if I could be one of their dancers for a movie and it's been completely different from middle school but I'm loving it," Maya said.
"You didn't tell me all of that," Riley said as Maya looked at her.
"I did. You were just too busy with Lucas," Maya said.

"What are your plans for the future then?" Alan asked as Josh looked at his father.
"Dad, it's Thanksgiving. Don't come with future plans now please," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"We'll get to that another time," Maya said.

It's been a bit after dinner and now Maya was looking around the apartment as she saw more and more pictures of the Matthews whole she saw as new ones also came.
She smiled as she saw how Josh came behind her also looking at everything.

"It's magical, hey? How everything can change suddenly," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"A Thanksgiving miracle then," Maya said as she turned around facing Josh.
"I'm glad you're here. Things are very awkward with me and Riley ever since we went different ways with high school. Me being into performance and music made it difficult for our friendship," Maya said.
"You guys will patch it up pretty quick. You're Maya and Riley. The world's best best friends ever," Josh said and Maya smiled as she felt how Josh took his hand inho hers.

She exhaled looking at him smiling as she didn't know what else to do.
Josh brushed her hair aside leaning closer placing a soft kiss on her lips as she smiled into the kiss.
They haven't talked about someday or what would happen but for them to actually just be together was something amazing.
And for Maya the kiss was worth waiting for.

Joshaya/Urbrina One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now