Café Love

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So this one shot was requested by...
No one!
Okay I'll tag my Afrikaans account in but this was a random idea I got and wanted to try it out.
Sorry if it is super lame.
MY Afrikaans account EstelleDuPlessis2
Also comment down below if you guys would want to see a part 2 and if I should make a book out of this one shot.
See you guys soon!

Maya walked past the streets of New York while she was going back home from a hard day of college when she saw that the lights of a little café were still on.
She smiled as she went in the café seeing a young guy working.

"You people still open?" Maya asked as she laid her computer bag on the table.
"Yes, we are. What can I get you?" Josh asked.
"Make it one cappuccino and your soup of the day," Maya said and Josh nodded.

Maya smiled looking around as she saw how the guy did everything himself.
She exhaled as she knew that something was going on but didn't quite know what.
She smiled grabbing her phone as she quickly checked the time seeing it was just past eight which wasn't actually that late.

"So, you the manager or something?" Maya asked as Josh put the coffee down in front of Maya.
"Or something. I'm the owner actuslly but I help out now and then. Joshua Matthews," Josh said.
"Maya Hart pleased to meet you. So how on earth do you make a living just from a small café?" Maya asked.
"Well I don't. This is just something small. I took Topanga's over from my sister-in-law, Topanga, when she moved to London when I was just 19. My brother is a lot older then me. Probably 16, 17 years older. So he had children around my age. So after they had moved I took this place over as my permanent job but after my father passed away two years later from cancer I decided to hire a manager for this place, only be here when it is needed and then I manage Matthews Technology permanently as a nine to five job," Josh said.
"Looks like we have something in common then. My mother died when I was fifteen," Maya said.
"I'm sorry to hear that. And your dad?" Josh asked as he stood up and got Maya's soup.
"Left when I was five. I haven't seen him since then and I have no desire to find out what life would have been. He left me and my mother alone and goodness knows what he is doing right now," Maya said.
"Well I bet he is sorry now that he left you. Or he will be. What do you do for a living?" Josh asked as he went to clean tables while Maya ate.

"Well that is actually interesting what I do. I am currently studying clothes and design while I'm busy helping my aunt raise her children who are like ten years younger then me. Always a struggle finding out what is going to happen," Maya said.
"So your mom had you when she was really young?" Josh asked as he out the cans and plastic into a container.
"She was sixteen. Well almost sixteen," Maya said.
"Still young I would say. With me it was something totally different. My parents were like in their 40's when they had me. Not the smartest decision I would say," Josh said.
"Well if they didn't do it you wouldn't be here so I would say they made a smart decision," Maya said smiling as Josh went to the back.

For the next couple of days Maya went to that one café every night and slowly started to go in the morning as well.
As she got used to Josh they became more like friends then just people you saw once in awhile at your business.

"Ah, looks like you are going to become a good regular. How are you?" Josh asked as he put the machine on.
"I'm good. Besides this is the only place where the company is better than the food. How are you?" Maya asked.
"I'm doing good. Both the café and the technology shop are doing good so I can't complain. How is studying?" Josh asked as he put the coffee in front of Maya.
"It's going good. Really good actually. I got a letter saying I might have a job at a clothing shop on the corner of Front&Grace street," Maya said and Josh looked at her.
"You are doing good. And don't think I don't know which street this café is on. I'm happy for you," Josh said.
"Yeah. Since my mom's seat things have been crazy," Maya said as she finished up her coffee.
"Can I get a pen and a piece of paper?" Maya asked.
"Sure. Don't know what you want to do with it but go for it," Josh said as Maya quickly wrote something down before taking out her wallet.
"This one is on me. You just made my day," Josh said and Maya smiled as she went out of the bakery.

Josh looked at the note she left reading it quickly.

Since you are slow I'll make the first move.
Wanna go and see a movie or something?
Call me when you've decided.
My number is below.

Joshaya/Urbrina One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now