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Maya exhaled as she was watching the video that was sent on her phone exhaling as the tears slowly escaped her eyes. She sighed knowing her past would always find a way of catching up with her as she put her phone away. She looked at the time knowing she needed to head back out before everyone got back from the hike and got worried. She threw her jacket over her arms as she rushed down the stairs seeing as some of the people were already returning.

Cory had decided to take everyone to the Mount Sun Lodge despite the nature that would ruin it all. Riley still had to make the hard decision between Charlie and Lucas while it slowly seemed like everyone was expecting her to pick Charlie. Maya smiled as she saw how Riley came in as the both of them sat down on the bay window,

"You two stay for apart," Cory said as he was pushing Darby while Josh followed dragging Yobi.

Maya looked at the four of them shocked as she looked at Riley while it still didn't look like she was able to make a decision between the two boys. But it also didn't help that despite that a new boy was also thrown into the mix making it more difficult.

"Undecided?" Maya asked as Riley nodded as she saw how Josh and Cory came out.

"Well yeah. You should have came. Uncle Josh and Lucas nearly attacked each other on that hike," Riley said as Maya looked at the young adult.

'What?" Maya said.

To her that was something she couldn't believe. Josh has never been the violent type. Over the years that she has known him he has always stayed calm even if his emotions got out of control or if something or someone made him angry. But never has he let his temper get the better of him. Maya looked at Josh as she shook her head seeing as he looked away to avoid eye contact. She sighed as she thought of everything that had happened but she didn't want to just let go. Maya exhaled looking at the bracelet on her wrist as she stood up heading up stairs.

"They fought about you actually, Peaches."

"Riley!" Josh said causing Maya to stop in her tracks and look at him.

She shook her head as she rushed up the stairs before anyone could say anything trying to avoid another drama.

"Maya! Thanks a lot, Riley," Josh said as he went outside.

Maya heard the door from the bottom being slammed shut as she exhaled. She looked at her phone as she quickly went back to the video watching it again. She smiled hearing the words in the back of her head unsure what to actually do with her life. She exhaled as she put the phone away laying her head on her cushion.

Josh came back into the lodge avoiding his niece as he ran upstairs. One thing he knew he had to do and that was to talk to Maya. He knocked once on her door before going in seeing that she was laying on her bed. Going closer he saw that she was asleep as he threw a blanket over her body closing the curtains before leaving the room. Josh went down the stairs grabbing the first book he laid his eyes on as he started to read it making sure he wasn't talking to his niece.

Maya groaned as she was waking up seeing the blanket over her body. She exhaled looking at the time on her phone as she slightly stretched standing up from the bed. She went out of the room as she looked how everyone was busy talking as she saw how Josh had a set of movies in his hands.

"Okay, so what are we watching? Comedy, action or romance?" Josh asked as Maya smiled.

"Think you've had enough action for one day," Maya said going down the stairs.

"Hey, you're up," Josh said.

"Yeah, can't sleep forever," Maya said as Josh vaguely smiled at her before going through the options of movies.

"Okay, no movies until you two figure out what the hell is going on," Cory said.

"Tell that to your brother who says one thing but then means something completely different," Maya said as Riley looked at her best friend.

"What on earth are you talking about, Maya?" Lucas asked.

"We need to talk. Now," Maya said as she went outside.

"Guessing she's talking to me," Josh said as he put the movies down on the table as he went out of the lodge seeing as Maya was leaning against the fence where the horses were.

He exhaled as he moved closer to her leaning against the fence as well. He shook his head looking at the horses not sure what they would be used for in the middle of the mountains as Maya pulled out her phone. Playing the video she gave the phone to Josh.

"Trust me, the girl isn't worth much. She's worth as much as she is, which is nothing."

"Are you kidding me? Maya is one of the few people in New York that I have met who is kind, generous, loving, kind-hearted and patient. I don't know where you got your information, Kermit, but wherever it comes from is a lie. Because Maya is definitely worth a lot more than you are saying she is. And if this information is coming from that useless father of hers, tell him he's missing a hell lot with his daughter growing up. Don't ever talk to me about her again."

Josh exhaled gulping hard as he gave Maya her phone back as he looked at her waiting for her to say something. But nothing. The girl had nothing to say but he knew what he wanted to say. Although he didn't know if he would ever have the courage to tell her that.

"He's my father. Kermit. He sent me this video with the caption : Trying hard to have someone to love you. Thank you, Josh. Thank you for trying to prove him wrong," Maya said.

"That man is your... Okay, I'm definitely dropping out of NYU," Josh said as Maya looked at him.

"He's my Economic Lecture," Josh said as Maya exhaled.

"Besides, you don't have to thank me. I would have done that over and over again regardless if he was your father or not. You're worth it. Your father thinks you are worth nothing but I look at you, Maya, and I see a girl who has been through so much but who keeps on going forward with her life and who doesn't give up with the small things," Josh said as Maya smiled.

"But it wasn't necessary," Maya said.

"Yes, it was," Josh said taking Maya's hand in his as she turned to look at him.

"I never want you to think that you are worth less than you are. Never. And if I have to take on one of my lectures or your father for that, I will," Josh said.

"What happened to too young?" Maya asked.

"We both know you're not too young. You never were," Josh said.

Maya smiled as she looked at the horses as she looked back at Josh. She mouthed thank you as he moved closer cupping her cheek. Leaning forward Josh placed a soft kiss on Maya's lips quickly pulling away. Maya looked at him biting her lower lip as she leaned closer throwing her arms around his neck as she kissed him. Pulling Maya closer, Josh deepened the kiss allowing it to last for a few seconds before pulling away.

"I love you," Josh said as Maya smiled.

"I love you, too," Maya said placing her head on Josh's shoulder as he threw his arm around her body while they watched the horses.

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