Our Adventure

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Going through the genourmes crowd in New York it was a miracle he managed to get through.
It was wild while everyone was trying their upmost best to get a autograph.
He smiled moving forward to the famous singer who was giving out autographed records.

"Well I never," Uriah said and the girl looked up.
"Uriah! What on earth are you doing here?" Sabrina asked as she gave him a hug.
"Came to see what the big deal is with every show. Hi, Sabrina. How are you?" Uriah asked.
"I'm good. I'm really good actually. How about you?" Sabrina asked.
"I'm not bad. You busy tomorrow? While I'm in NYC I would at least want to spend time with one of my fellow cast members," Uriah said.
"Rowan still mad at ya?" Sabrina asked as a girl came forward and she signed a record.
"Yeah, kinda," Uriah said and Sabrina smiled.
"I'm not up to anything tomorrow. Whag about breakfast at the café?" Sabrina asked.
"Send me your address then I'll pick you up at eight. I still have the same number. I'll let you go on with your work. See you," Uriah said and was off.

Sabrina sat aside as she was now loving looking at the baby boy on the screen in front of her.
Of course she and Danielle kept a good connection and with her son, Adler, now almost being 5 months it was a miracle the baby even survived it.

"So how is motherhood treating you guys?" Sabrina asked as she pulled a blanket over her lap.
"Good. Adler is doing much better than with birth and I'm surprised at how good. How are you?" Danielle asked from where she was giving Adler a bottle.
"Well Uriah was at tonight's concert and we are kinda going for breakfast tomorrow or something like that I don't know. I've never really know what I feel and I feel like the whole Josh and Maya thing is rewinding. What if my feelings back then are not as easily hidden as I thought?" Sabrina asked.
"It will be. I gotta get him to bed. I'll see you," Danielle said and ended the call.

So why come to a show in New York of mine and invite me to breakfast? We don't actually have contact," Sabrina said and Uriah looked at her.
"Yeah, I know. But not like I can just call Rowan. She is still furious at me," Uriah said.
"Are you surprised?" Sabrina asked softly laughing as Uriah let out a chuckle.
"Probably not. And out of everything I probably got along with you the best," Uriah said and Sabrina looked at him.
"Do you remember who we played on Girl Meets World?" Sabrina asked and Uriah nod.
"Maya Hart and Josh Matthews. I've actually been thinking about that a lot. Ben called me. He wants to see us for something," Uriah said and Sabrina smiled.
"Ok. When?" Sabrina asked.
"Tomorrow. You and I need to talk first. Josh and Maya wasn't the only two who fell in love," Uriah said as Sabrina looked up at him.
"I spoke with Amir. Yeah, we actually kept contact. I know during the last season you fell in love and to say the truth so did I. Sabrina why don't we give each other a shot?" Uriah asked and Sabrina nod.
"Let's try," Sabrina said.

"Okay, Ben. Let's get this over with," Uriah said as both he and Sabrina sat down in a old café in Philadelphia.
"I talked to the producers of Girl Meets World and they want to make a sequal," Ben said.
"Okay. There was Boy Meets World and then Girl Meets World. What is next?" Sabrina asked.
"Joshaya Meets World," Ben said causing the two young adults to look at each other.
"They want to do a show based on Josh and Maya after Maya goes to college. They will end up together... Give it a thought and call me," Ben said as he left.
"Not a bad idea," Uriah said causing Sabrina to smile.

Sabrina sat upside down with her legs facing the ceiling as she tried to think about what Ben had told her and Uriah just a few hours ago.
They were so sure their lives were perfect but doing a show like this could mean a lot to both of their careers knowing Girl Meets World is going on.

"Bri, you're gonna get dizzy. Sit up," Uriah said as Sabrina sat up before getting handed a cup of tea.
"What do you think about this whole sequal? I was sure that GMW was the last one," Sabrina said as she sipped on her tea.
"Okay, Princess. Let's call Ben and find out more information," Uriah said putting Ben on Skype.

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