Our Life

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It was a hot June afternoon and Josh and Maya were on the beach in Malibu, California, enjoying their last few days there before the move back to the states.
Maya looked at the kids running around in front of her smiling as she thought how she would one day run around with her child on the beach.
Josh gave Maya a smile as he gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"You miss that?" Josh asked.
"What? Having a family? I have you," Maya said.
"I know we are behind with the others. Riley already has three children while we aren't even married it. Does it bother you?" Josh asked.
"No," Maya said as she shook her head.
"I'm happy with what we have. Rushing into everything is never a good idea. What we have had to be grown over a few years. Strange. This Christmas ten years ago we met for the first time," Maya said making Josh smile.
"Yeah. Ten years. Wow that is a long time. And I would never have seen myself back then in California with you being my girlfriend. In fact I had no idea we would have a huge influence on each other," Josh said.
"Yeah. We have to head back home. The move is coming close and we don't have much time," Maya said as she stood up.
"Yeah let's go," Josh said.

Maya and Josh got their life busy or at least their day.
Boxes everywhere and for the first time everything about the move was sinking in for Maya.
She smiled as she looked over to where Josh was busy packing some photos up taking her back to the first time she moved in with him.

"Boing look here," she said immediately getting the attention of her boyfriend of barely a week.
"Cute. You and me on Christmas when we first met. Thank goodness I didn't stay with too young," Josh told her giving her a kiss on her cheek.
"Yeah, it is. But how on earth do you suppose we actually take it? My father is already asking if this is wise," Maya said and Josh shook his head.
"I'm Josh Matthews. Basically the second Cory Matthews. Doubt he has much reason to be worried about."

"Babe, what you Day dreaming about?" Josh asked as Maya smiled.
"The day we moved in together. Okay, how far are you here?" Maya asked as she took a look at her boyfriend.
"With the pictures just as much done. Why don't you start with the stuff in the bedroom?" Josh asked and Maya nod as she went to their bedroom.

For her moving with her boyfriend back to her hometown was something incredible but also nerve-wracking.
She was moving so far away and she didn't really know whether she was going to keep up to it all.
She was twenty-three with her boyfriend of twenty-six moving to their hometown, or at least hers.
It was everything except something to take lightly.
And definitely something very much exciting as well.
Maya took off the sheets of their bed as she found a picture taking her back to a day long ago when she first came to LA and they found each other.

"Hi Josh," Maya said.
"It's nice seeing you," Josh said and left.
"Are we really going down the same road?" Maya asked and Josh stopped.
"What do you mean?" Josh asked.
"The one from when we were kids. I'm not fourteen anymore. You can stop treating me like that," Maya said.
"What are you doing in LA?"
"Running away from Riley," Maya said.
"Haha. I'm serious," Josh said.
"So am I," Maya said.

Maya smiled as she went ahead with the most packing while Josh came into the room.
He sighed at the sight of his girlfriend packing up some of the old stuff that they had in the bedroom.

"Excited to be able to go back home?" Josh asked and Maya nod.
"Anywhere where you are my home is. Always," Maya said.

Maya looked at the big airport they are at ready for the big move back to New York.
She almost couldn't believe they were going back to New York and this time for good.

"You ready to head home?" Josh asked and Maya nod.
"Yeah, I am. You?" Maya asked.
"Let's take on the world," Josh said.
"Luckily the apartment is all set up at the other side in NYC. I'm actually excited to start this new chapter of our lives. Living together in our own place back in my hometown," Maya said.
"So am I," Josh said smiling.
"Josh," Maya said as her boyfriend stopped in his tracks looking at Maya.

"Thank you for everything. I wasn't the easiest teenager but I know with you I can take this one. You were and will always be my first love and I know I'll love you for the rest of my life," Maya said as Josh looked at her.
"Talking about the rest of our life," Josh said as he went down on one knee causing Maya to gasp as he took out a box from his pocket.
"Maya Penelope Hunter, I want to spend the rest of my life and all of eternity with you. Will you marry me?" Josh asked as shallow tears formed in Maya's eyes.
"Yes. Of course I'll marry you," Maya said as Josh pulled her close to him.

They pull away as Josh placed the ring in her finger looking into her eyes.
Giving her a smile he pulled her in for a soft and passionate kiss.

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