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Not a request but just something I wanted to do.
Requests are open.

Maya rushed through the hospital as she knew something serious was going on.
She had no idea what was about to happen neither did she want to think of anything.
She saw as Amy and Alan were sitting in the waiting room waiting on news as she exhaled.

"Amy," Maya said as the two older Matthews looked at her.
"Maya, glad you could make it," Alan said as Maya sat down.
"Of course. How bad is it?" Maya asked.

Thinking that less than 30 minutes ago she was still furious over the fact that Josh had forgotten to come by helping her to study as he had promised which turned out to be not forgotten but he getting into a huge car accident.

"We are still waiting to get some news. He wasn't unconscious when they got to him which is good," Alan said as tears started to roll over Maya's face.
"Where did the accident happen?" Maya asked wiping her tears away.
"Central New York," Amy said and Maya wondered what he was doing there.
"It was about ten minutes from Shawn's old cabin in Upstate," Alan said and Maya looked at the two of them.

She remembers how she and Josh used to go by there just hanging out for hours and hours while Riley was having dates with Lucas.
But they didn't agree to go and be there for a while so why was he there?
The doctor came out and Alan immediately jumped up.

"He's stable," he said and Maya exhaled as her heart dropped three levels.
"Thank goodness," Maya said.
"Which one of you are Maya?" he asked as Alan showed where Maya was sitting.
"He constantly mumbled your name, Miss. His girlfriend perhaps?" he asked and Maya shook her head.
"I'm a family friend," Maya said.
"Maya has known Joshua for a very long time now. Will he be okay?" Amy asked and he nodded.
"He will be perfectly fine. Do one of you want to go and see him?" he asked and Maya looked at Alan.
"You guys go. I can go later," Maya said.
"We need to call family. You go," Amy said and Maya stood up allowing the doctor to lead her to the hospital room.
"Just remain calm. He can maybe hear what you are saying," he said and Maya nodded as she opened the door.

She exhaled seeing as Josh was laying on a hospital bed.
He had scars all over his face and from what Maya could see he had a oxygen pipe going through his nose and a drip in his arm.
She shook her head taking a deep breathe as she went to sit down next to him.
She looked at him before taking his warm hand into her cold one.

"Josh," Maya said exhaling tears running down her cheek.
"Please be okay. Please," Maya said sniffing trying not to freak out too much.

She remembers the anger she had felt hours ago because he didn't make it to their appointment.
She was struggling a lot with math and knew that Josh must have had a very good reason not to come but couldn't figure out what the reason could be.
Instead she got so angry that she didn't even want to talk to Riley anymore.

"You know," Maya said finally being able to talk.
"I knew something was wrong. I knew you wouldn't say you will help me study for math and then just drop me on number 99. I'm not mad, okay? Please just get better," Maya said placing a soft kiss on his hand as she heard how the door was opening.

"He's very lucky to have you," Alan said and Maya smiled as she stood up.
"Does Cory know?" Maya asked and Alan looked at the young artist.

Never in his life has he heard Maya calling Cory in his name.
Always has it been Matthews but something had changed.

"He does," Alan said and Maya exhaled.
"I need to call my mom," Maya said as she stood up feeling a slight grip looking at Josh.
"Josh? He's gripping my hand. He can hear me. Josh. Hey can you hear me?" Maya asked placing her handbag on the ground giving all her attention to Josh.
"Maya, he can't hear you. I don't think so," Alan said and Maya exhaled looking at the man in his 60's.
"I know what I just felt," Maya said as she looked back at Josh brushing over his fafe with her hand as his eyes slightly opened.
"Good grief," Alan said getting a fright as Maya smiled.
"Hey," Maya said smiling at Josh as their eyes met.
"Maya?" he managed to say and Maya smiled.
"Yeah. It's okay. Can you go and feet the doctor, Alan?" Maya asked as Alan left the room.

"How you feeling? You in a lot of pain?" Maya asked as Josh shook his head.
"I'm so happy you're awake. You gave all of us a big fright," Maya said.
"I'm sorry. About..."
"Don't you even dare do that, Boing. It's okay. It wasn't your fault. You got in a car accident. What were you doing in Upstate?" Maya asked as Josh looked at her.
"I needed some time to think. This whole someday thing was never easy," Josh said as Maya smiled.
"Was your suggestion, Josh. It's okay. I'm not mad because yon missed our tutoring session. Just get better, okay? That's all I need," Maya said.
"I love you," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"I love you too," Maya said as she stood up leaning over Josh placing a soft kiss on his lips as she placed her head on his.
"I love you too," Maya whispered softly.

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