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Maya exhaled as she sat in her car looking around seeing the brunette boy as she smiled. She shook her head as she got out of the car immediately being recognized by people. She gave them smiles as she walked over to him.

"Maya, what are you doing here?" Josh asked.

"I came to discuss some test results with you," Maya said trying to make it sound like an excuse in front of his friends.

"Excuse me, guys. Work before pleasure. Let's go inside," Josh said as the two of them went into the apartment.

Maya exhaled as she sat down on the couch still holding the envelope in her hand. Josh looked as she held tight to the piece of paper in her hand while he knew it must be serious. He looked at her while she gave him the envelope. He opened it reading the content of it as Maya saw how his face expression changed as he continued to read.

"Maya, when were these tests done?" Josh asked as Maya exhaled.

"Today," Maya said as Josh sighed.

"Why aren't you admitted to the hospital? Why haven't they started with treatment yet? This..."

"Is AML. I know. I just needed the night to not think of it. I'll go and communicate with my family and friends in the morning," Maya said as Josh exhaled.

"Maya, this is cancer. It's leukemia. Do you know how dangerous it is for you to be here?" Josh asked as Maya nodded.

Josh exhaled unsure what she was expecting of him but knowing that whatever it could be it was major. Josh looked at the young blonde knowing it was hard for her but also knowing that it wouldn't be long before all his family found out.

"What's the next plan according to your oncologist?" Josh asked.

"I'm being admitted tomorrow morning and then I'll start my first round of treatment as well. I'm being admitted for a few weeks to see how I respond to the chemotherapy and they also need to do blood transfusion and then I need to tell someone I know that the family's 20th AML diagnosis has been made. It runs in my family. I've been going for this test every year. It's not very progressed," Maya said.

"If you're here for medical advice, I'm very poor when a beloved has cancer. Any oncologist is," Josh said.

"I didn't come here for for medical advice. I actually just needed a friend," Maya said as Josh pulled Maya closer into his body.

"That I can be," Josh said as Maya exhaled.

"What am I fling to do, Josh? How do you tell my whole family I'm diagnosed with cancer at the age of 22?" Maya asked as Josh looked at her.

"One person at a time. Don't think of that just now. Think of tomorrow and what you need to do," Josh said.

"I'm scared to death," Maya said as Josh could start hearing the emotion in her voice.

"I know you are. But it does get better. So really, don't think of it right now. Just relax," Josh said looking around the apartment seeing the picture aside.

"Want some tea?" Josh asked.

"That will be nice," Maya said as Josh stood up and put the kettle on.

"Don't be worried. Like you said, it's not very progressive. Meaning you still have plenty of hope. Just believe it," Josh said as Maya smiled.

Maya exhaled as she walked around the streets of New York looking at the cafe standing there after 20 years. Maya smiled as she entered it immediately seeing her mother exhaling as she walked towards her.

"Mom," Maya said as Katy looked at her daughter.

"And? Was I right or was I right? My daughter..."

"Is definitely a Hart. Mom, I'm so sorry. This year I can't tell you the test was negative. I'm on my way to the hospital for my first session," Maya said as Katy exhaled taking her daughter in her arms.

"You'll be okay, Honey. I know it," Katy said as Maya smiled pulling away.

"I'm being admitted to the hospital for two weeks. Hopefully it won't even be that long. Don't worry about me. I hope you have fun and I'll call you tonight. I love you," Maya said as she went out of the cafe.

Maya exhaled as she climbed into her car immediately feeling tears running. She sighed looking at the picture of her and her friends wondering where they would be if they followed their 10 year plan. Everyone started high school each with a ten year plan in mind. Riley would teach English at the same middle school her father taught History, Farkle would become the Scientist to discover the first robot to smell out diseases and marry Smackle eventually, Zay would become a football coach and find love, Smackle would become a medical doctor in plastic surgery and become Mrs Minkus, Lucas would finally become a veterinarian, marry Riley and she would have his kids and Maya would finally be in a comfortable place with Josh maybe even become his girlfriend before she would be in her mid 20's. Life took its own turn tho. Riley and Lucas broke up after a huge fight causing Riley to end up in Phoenix and Lucas back in Austin. Zay was married to Vanessa but his dream changed to become a writer. Smackle became Mrs Minkus and Farkle's assistant. Farkle was now trying to make a plan to eventually create the first robot to fully take care of children. While Maya was diagnosed with leukemia and not at all where she wants to be with Josh.

Wiping her tears away Maya drove to the hospital as she saw how Josh was sitting aside in the hospital as she shook her head going to the counter.

"Doctor Davis, please. Maya Hart for chemotherapy," Maya said as she exhaled slowly thinking how her life would actually end.

"Sit down. We'll call you in a second," she said as Maya sat down next to Josh.

"Thought you would be quick. Did you talk to your mother?" Josh asked as Maya nodded.

"Every year it beats both of us up when waiting for these results. And suddenly I just wanted it to be different. What am I going to do, Josh? This isn't just a cold. It's cancer," Maya said.

"It's okay. Don't worry about everything right now," Josh said.

"Maya Hart. You can come through," the doctor said as Maya exhaled.

"Come with me," Maya said as Josh nodded while they went to sit down into a room.

"I'll send a nurse with your treatment. Who's this?"

"Dr Joshua Matthews. I'm a good friend," Josh said.

"Then it's good to have you here. Good luck, my dear," he said as he was off.

"It's now or never," Maya said as she exhaled feeling Josh's hand on her.

"You will survive this thing. I know it," Josh said as Maya exhaled.

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