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Sorry if the title isn't really good.
Thought it suits the storyline.
Request from JoshayaShipper2007
Requests are open.

Maya looked at how Jasmine and Charlotte were attacking Josh while she and Riley was just sitting aside.
Basically after she saw him in this room she knew it was a extremely bad idea to even come in.
She is 14 and she will just have to except that from now on.

"You know what, Maya? I'm sick of all of this. Me getting the blame for everything that happens to Riley even if it wasn't my fault. I am getting annoyed by you cinstant jumping on my back and flirting with me. Calling me names like Boing and causing that I get lectures each time from Cory because you are only 14. I've had enough so just stop," Josh said causing Maya to look at him.
"I'm so sorry Josh. I never knew it bothered you so much. It's okay. I'll leave you alone. I... I won't bother you again," Maya said.

She had shallow tears in her eyes and Andrew sitting next to Josh could notice it while he could see Josh didn't.
Maya took a breathe as she stood up running out of the college dorm.

"Okay, that was too much," Riley said running out of the dorm after Maya but she couldn't see her anywhere.

Maya ran into her apartment as she immediately went into her room locking the door and windows.
She didn't want anyone to see her like this and neither did she want Riley to come.
She closed the curtains and switched off the light as she was still sobbing.
She never knew Josh felt that way and never did she think she would relieve a moment where she saw her father.
So now she changes.
That was the only solution.

The next morning she woke up determined to change how she acts.
She got dressed and immediately went to the Matthews without even thinking twice.
Maya went through Riley's window just giving her a smile as she gave her a hug.

"Are you okay?" Riley asked and Maya nod.
"Let's go," Maya said as they went down the hall into the kitchen where Maya saw Josh was talking to Cory.

"Good morning girls," Topanga said and Josh immediately jumped up ready for whatever surprise the young girl could throw to him.

He was expecting the endless flirting, nickname calling even jumping on his back.
But all he hit from the teenage girl was a nod before she sat down on the opposite side of the table next to Auggie who was busy coloring.

"What you doing Auggs?" Maya asked brushing her curly hair away.
"Okay, what the hell is going on?" Cory said and Maya looked at the man.
"Nothing, Sir," Maya said.

Josh looked at his brother and niece before he looked back at the young girl.
She was acting normal.
And he knew it.
But why?
Because of what he said?
He did it.
He is going to have a normal college life next year.

Summer was over and back to school had started.
Maya and Riley were starting their last year of middle school and Maya could almost not believe it.
She made it through seventh grade and through the summer with Josh.
She still did love him very much but knew that she needed to give him time to at least complete high school and start college before she was going to be all around him.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Riley asked and Maya nods as she opened her locker revealing a letter.
"Who is it from?" Riley asked and Maya shrugged her shoulders.
"Don't know. Let's see," Maya said as she read it.

As I've noticed you have been the last year very sad and drawn back.
I didn't know what to do so I decided to just write to you.
You are a beautiful girl who will accomplish much more in life and shouldn't let a guy just stand in your way.

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