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Request from NovaArtin0
Idea adjusted just a bit.
Requests are open so comment down below if you have a idea for me.

It was a freezing November afternoon and for Thanksgiving everyone decided to rather go to Ski Lodge again than stay at home.
Cory thought it good of actually bringing some of his students with the Hunters and his parents as well but it ended being just a bad idea.

Roads to New York City are closer due to a terrible snow storm on its way. It is said that all people stay right where they are until the snowstorm passes.

Being stuck in the mountains was then not a good idea but they also knew that it had to be done.
Riley and Lucas were hanging out while Maya and Josh each were separated.
Since the two did promise someday to each other it had been weirdly awkward between them in a way that they constantly want to be together but can't always be.

"Riley, Lucas lets try to get them to spend some time together. Maya and Josh. They are so awkward and yet so sweet we need to at leat give it a shot," Smackle said as Riley looked over to where her father was talking with her grandfather and Shawn.
"Good luck then. My dad and uncle Shawn are keeping such a good eye on them they won't be able to hang out," Riley said.
"Tonight we must het them together then," Lucas said and Riley looked at her boyfriend.
"Okay then. We can probably try. But how?" Riley asked.
"Maya always stays up late. She did last night as well. She just looks at the stars. One of us barely had to give Josh a message that something is up or so," Smackle said.
"I have a plan. Listen up," Riley said.

Later the evening

"Josh," Lucas said going into the room that he and Josh were sharing.
"Riley says Maya isn't back from her walk yet. Would you go and find out where she is?" Lucas said and Josh looked at Lucas with pure worry.

He knows a lot about Maya's past, maybe more than he needs to but he doesn't know how to not worry.
He nods as she puts away his book immediately going in front finding Maya busy strumming in the guitar.

"Okay, Maya give this another shot," Maya said as she started to strum on the guitar alongside singing.

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one two three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Josh smiled listening to how Maya was singing not entirely knowing how one girl could have such an amazing voice.
He cleared his throat giving Maya a bit of a fright causing her to look around.

"Josh," Maya quietly let out.
"What are you doing here?" Maya asked as Josh went to sit down next to her.
"What do you think? Riley is worried and wants me to come look for you. What are you doing up?" Josh asked.
"I have insomnia so I never sleep," Maya said.
"Insomnia? You mean when you never sleep? Since when?" Josh asked.
"Since I was a little girl. Because of my father. I know I'm now 16 and still saying it but what he did affects me still daily," Maya said and Josh nods.
"I know what Riley wanted to do. To get the two of us to spend some time together. Because she thinks something will happen then," Josh said and Maya smiled as she put her guitar down.
"I'm totally fine with someday," Maya said.
"I'm going to make us some hot chocolate then we can talk a bit. Not like we actually get to talk often," Josh said as he went to the kitchen.

Within minutes he was back with two cups and they started to talk.
Suddenly talking about everything except someday it was amazing how they were just about more comfortable now with each other than ever before.
They could actually talk ajout anything and everything without the unneeded uncomfort.
As soon as the clock hit midnight Maya fell asleep on Josh's shoulder and he picked her up taking her to bed.
He threw the cover over her before giving her head a light kiss and went out of the door.

Joshaya/Urbrina One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now