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Request from StellaFanfic2020

Maya looked around herself as it got more clear and clear what was going on.
She was in some kind of trap being forced by the dear Matthews and she wasn't going to get out of it soon.
She exhaled as she sat down on the couch possibly prepared for the worst possibly scenario.

"Maya, so you know why you are here?" Cory asked and Maya shook her head as she witnessed how a man in his late 80's walked through the door.
"Mr Feeny, what are you doing here?" Maya asked and George looked around seeing the young girl sitting aside from the rest of the group.
"Cornelius what is this? Why is this beautiful young girl sitting alone? Didn't I nor your father teach you any manners?" George asked and Maya smiled.
"Hi, Mr Feeny. I would also like to know what I am doing here," Maya said as she heard footprints but couldn't see anyone.
"Cornelius, could you perhaps give the poor girl and explanation?" George said as Maya smelled something in the air suddenly standing up.
"Where do you think are you going?" Cory said and Maya looked at the man in his late 30's.
"When you and your brother have stopped treating me like a five year old you know where to find me. And yes. I know Josh is here," Maya said making her way to the hallway as she heard more footsteps.

"You sidekick or something?" Josh asked and Maya shook her head.
"Your colon I will recognize at any place. Stop treating me like a toddler and stop being so ridiculous over a age-gap. You're more childish than my father," Maya said making her way to Riley's room.
"Oh, so it's true what people say then. A girl looks for a man like her father. Since you are comparing me to him," Josh said and Maya exhaled pinching her eyes to stop the possibly tears to fall.
"No," Maya said softly and Josh looked at her as he could see tears burning shallow in her eyes.
"Okay, I want to talk to you," Josh said grabbing Maya shajd dragging her down the hallway.

Josh lightly pushed Maya into a guest bedroom locking the door causing her to look at the young guy.
Josh turned around looking at Maya as her tears were now running down her face.
He moved closer to her causing her to worry about his actions pulling her close.
Maya had no possibly idea what he was doing and wasn't going to allow it either.

"What are you doing?" Maya asked laughing as she pulled away.
"Why are you laughing and crying? I'm confused," Josh said and Maya started to laugh all over again.
"Josh, I'm not sad. That's the last thing I am. I'm not even a bit sad," Maya said.
"Okay. Why are you crying then?" Josh asked.
"Because of this whole stupid thing. I'm scared when people drag me somewhere and I don't know what is going to happen especially if the room is filled with people which it just was. Including Mr Feeny was there. What did you and Matthews try to do?" Maya asked and Josh shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't know. I guess he just told me to be there," Josh said and Maya smiled as she stood in front of Josh.
"I'm not sad and nor do I want a man like my father. Neither are you him," Maya said as she threw her arms around Josh's shoulders.
"Do you understand me?" Maya asked and Josh nod.
"Good" Maya said as Josh threw his arms around Maya's waist.
"What are you...." Maya said but before she could even continue Josh pulled her close pressing their lips against each other.

For the first and probably only time in her life Maya felt something so unique she wanted it to happen over and over again.
She didn't want it to ever stop nor did she want to know anything about why Josh was there.
She was happy about every single moment they shared.

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